Search Results Your search for Report found the following documents (of 52086 documents searched): Displaying documents 65-72 of 9804, with best matches first:
- 65. Mishandled Bags Cost the Global Air Transport Industry $2.3 Billion in 2017
According to the SITA 2018 Baggage Report published on Thursday, airlines around the world have once again improved the rate of baggage delivery. This continues the improvement trend of more than a decade which has seen baggage mishandling drop by 70% since 2007. This is the 14th year that SITA has issued its report and it marks 2018 as a turning point for the global air transport
- 66. Southeast Asia World’s Fastest Growing Travel and Tourism Region in 2016
According to a new report by the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC), travel and tourism generated 1 in 10 of the world’s jobs in 2016 as the sector grew by 3.3%, outpacing the global economy for the sixth year in a row. WTTC’s Economic Impact Report 2017, which is conducted in conjunction with Oxford Economics, researches the economic impact of travel and tourism’s impact on glo
- 67. JAL Outside Safety Advisors Issue Report
JAL Outside Safety Advisors Issue Report.
- 68. Digital Travellers Drive Airline and Airport Passenger Strategies
According to a new report published by SITA, airport and airline IT executives believe that the growing number of tech-savvy travelers will have the biggest impact on their digital plans over the next six years to 2025. The report, 2025: Air Travel for a Digital Age, shows that by 2025, 68% of all passengers will be digital travelers and will expect to manage their travel in much t
- 69. Great Britain an Even More Welcoming Tourist Destination
The percentage of international visitors who said they felt extremely welcome in Britain has more than doubled in the last five years according to a new report by national tourism agency VisitBritain. The report, based on a survey of more than 5,000 visitors as they departed Great Britain, found that 42% said they felt extremely welcome, compared to 30% in 2012 and 19% in 2009.
- 70. IATA Releases 2016 Airline Safety Performance Report
IATA has released its 2016 safety performance report on the commercial airline industry. The data shows that: - The all accident rate (measured in accidents per 1 million flights) was 1.61, an improvement from 1.79 in 2015. - The 2016 major jet accident rate (measured in hull losses per 1 million flights) was 0.39, which was the equivalent of one major accident for every 2.56 milli
- 71. Perth Airport Earns ‘Satisfactory’ Quality of Service Rating from ACCC
Perth Airport achieved a ‘satisfactory’ quality of service rating in the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission’s (ACCC) Airport Monitoring Report for 2013/14, while passengers rated Perth’s service quality as ‘good’. The report monitors the prices, profits and services of the four major Australian airports (Perth, Brisbane, Melbourne and Sydney). While Perth Airport has ex
- 72. Hong Kong’s Airport Authority Publishes Sustainability Report 2013/2014
Airport Authority Hong Kong’s Sustainability Report 2013/2014 - Sustaining our Capacity – Addressing Emerging Constraints - explains how Hong Kong International Airport continues to support the sustainable development of Hong Kong despite faster-than-forecast air traffic growth putting pressure on the operating capacity of the existing two-runway system.
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