Search Results Your search for Elbit found the following documents (of 52086 documents searched): Displaying documents 41-48 of 4020, with best matches first:
- 41. Elbit Partners FAA to Research Enhanced Flight Vision Systems in Helicopters
Elbit Systems has teamed up with the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) as a research partner to study operational concepts for the use of Enhanced Flight Vision Systems (EFVS) in helicopters. The study will help lay the foundation for the future implementation of EFVS in rotorcraft.
- 42. Elbit Systems Wins US$110 Million Contract from APAC Country to Upgrade Mi-17 Helicopters
Elbit Systems has been awarded an approximately US$110 million contract from an undisclosed country in Asia Pacific for the upgrade and maintenance of dozens of Mi-17 helicopters. The project will be performed over a five-year period.
- 43. Elbit Systems Adds Mini-UAS to Seagull Unmanned Surface Vessel
Elbit Systems has expanded the operational capabilities of the Seagull Unmanned Surface Vessel (USV) beyond Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW) and Mines Countermeasure (MCM).
- 44. Elbit Systems Links Two Air Training Simulators, in Remote Locations
Elbit Systems has linked two air training simulators, in remote locations, via a cloud-based simulation environment by providing a common Synthetic Natural Environment (SNE). The company developed the ability to connect simulators through a secure simulation cloud, using standard protocols, to provide simulation and information services.
- 45. Navy in Asia Pacific Orders Seagull USVs for MCM Operations
Elbit Systems has been awarded a contract to supply Seagull USVs (Unmanned Surface Vehicles) to the Navy of an undisclosed country in Asia-Pacific. The contract, that is in an amount that is not material to Elbit Systems, will be performed over a 17-month period. Published by on 13 January 2021.
- 46. Elbit Systems and CAE to Pursue UK Defence Operational Training Capability (Air) Programme
Elbit Systems and CAE have signed an agreement to jointly pursue United Kingdom Ministry of Defence training opportunities that fall under the Defence Operational Training Capability (Air) programme (DOTC-A). The two companies will collaborate to pursue both the DOTC(A) Core System and Services (DCS&S) project as well as the Typhoon Future Synthetic Training (TFST) project.
- 47. Elbit Systems Upgrades E-LynX Family of Software Defined Radios
Elbit Systems has added multi-channel and full duplex technologies to its E-LynX family of Software Defined Radios (SDR). The upgrades substantially increase network throughputs, further empowering the company’s SDR-based solution for multi-domain digital transformation. Published by on 14 October 2021.
- 48. Elbit Wins US$17m Deal to Supply BrightNite Systems to NATO Country
Elbit Systems has won a contract to supply multi-spectral BrightNite systems to an undisclosed air force in a NATO country. The contract, valued at approximately US$17 million, will be performed over a thirty-month period.
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