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Search Travel News Asia for: "February 2010"

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Your search for February 2010 found the following documents (of 52086 documents searched):
Displaying documents 9-16 of 497, with best matches first:

9. NYC Restaurant Week to Take Place 25 January - 7 February 2010
NYC Restaurant Week to Take Place 25 January - 7 February 2010. The semiannual and highly popular NYC Restaurant Week Winter will run from 25 January to 7 February 2010, with the exact same prices charged since 2006. Costs will remain $24.07 for three-course prix-fixe lunches and $35 for three-course prix-fixe dinners (excluding beverages, tax and gratuity). NYC Restaurant Week Win
10. Travel News Archives from 22 January 2010 to 11 February 2010
Travel News Archives from 22 January 2010 to 11 February 2010. all the latest travel news featured on ASIA Travel between 22 January and 11 February 2010 - archived for your easy reference. Asia travel news from the worlds travel trade industry, latest travel news covering mainly Asia Pacific. Free daily travel news email and rss feed available.
11. Lufthansa Pilots Strike
Lufthansa Pilots Strike. As a consequence of the strike measures which have been initiated by the German pilots' union Vereinigung Cockpit, Lufthansa is making corresponding adjustments to its flight schedule from today Monday, 22 February 2010 to Thursday, 25 February 2010. About two thirds of the affected Lufthansa-operated flights will have to be canceled. However, Lufthansa reg
12. Lufthansa Pilots to Strike 22 - 25 February 2010
Lufthansa Pilots to Strike 22 to 25 February 2010. The Vereinigung Cockpit (VC) union has called on Lufthansa pilots to participate in a four-day walkout from 22 to 25 February. Lufthansa has set up a free number - 0800 / 8 50 60 70 - for customers to call and obtain information about their flight bookings (re-bookings/cancellations).
13. Cathay Pacific Reports February 2010 Traffic
Cathay Pacific Reports February 2010 Traffic. Last month, Cathay Pacific and Dragonair carried a total of 2,062,187 passengers – up 14% on February 2009. The month’s passenger load factor was 84.1%, an increase of 7.5 percentage points, while capacity for the month, measured in available seat kilometres (ASKs), rose by 0.7%. For the first two months of 2010 combined, the number of
14. Hong Kong Airport Reports February 2010 Traffic
Hong Kong Airport Reports February 2010 Traffic. Benefiting from the CNY holidays, Hong Kong resident travel surged by 45.3% and visitors by 17.5% year-on-year. Combined January and February figures - which balance out the seasonal impact of CNY - show an increase of 15.3% in Hong Kong resident traffic and 9.2% in visitor numbers. During the first two months, traffic to/ from South
15. AirAsia Launches Promotion
AirAsia Launches Promotion. AirAsia is offering a 20% off fares to all destinations for a limited four days only. The promotion is starts today, 18 February 2010 and runs until 21 February 2010 for travel between 23 March and 31 May 2010. This regional promotional campaign with 20% off all flights for its domestic and international destinations is available from AirAsia’s nine hubs
16. Hong Kong’s Visitor Arrivals During Chinese New Year
Hong Kong’s Visitor Arrivals During Chinese New Year. The 2010 Chinese New Year Golden Week (Lunar New Year’s Eve to 6th day of the Lunar New Year) ran from 13 February 2010 to 19 February 2010, while the Golden Week in 2009 fell on 25 January 2009 to 31 January 2009.

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