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Search Travel News Asia for: Phimai

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Your search for Phimai found the following documents (of 52086 documents searched):
Displaying documents 33-40 of 44, with best matches first:

33. Picture Galleries from around Asia and the World
We are also able to take pictures on request, so if you are in need of pictures of X and cannot find them, or need us to attend an event for you, or just want to buy exclusive images from an event, please do contact us with details of your requirements.. High resolution images available on request.
34. Best Pizza in Bangkok? Try Cibus by Claudio Uolpetti
Looking for the best pizza in Bangkok, then look no further than Cibus by Claudio Uolpetti at Siam Paragon. Cibus by Claudio Uolpetti is not a restaurant, it is a gourmet produce counter within the supermarket. Their (Cibus by Claudio Uolpetti's) pizzas are among the best we have ever tasted anywhere - including Italy. They are all made from imported Italian produce and are, accord
35. Seafood Restaurants in Hua Hin
Seafood Restaurants - La Mer - in Hua Hin. La Mer Restaurant is perched high on a cliff on Khao Takiab beach. It is located around 10 minutes from central Hua Hin so it is best to get a taxi or tuk tuk to go there (see: Getting Around Hua Hin). Once there, you will be able to enjoy the stunning views of central Hua Hin and surrounds, and as you are high above the sea there is norma
36. Thailand National and Public Holidays 2012
List of Thailand's National and Public holidays for the year 2012.
37. Pictures of Khao Yai National Park in Thailand
Pictures of Khao Yai National Park in Thailand. At around only 2 hours drive from Bangkok, Khao Yai has the potential to become a major tourist destination in Thailand. The scenery alone is breathtaking, the air clean, and fresh, and there are so many different activities for travellers to enjoy that you will want to return time and time again. This is Thailand with a difference, n
38. Pictures of Farm Chokchai in Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand
Pictures of Farm Chokchai in Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand. Located just 159 kilometres from Bangkok, Farm Chokchai in Nakhon Ratchasima province is a fun day out for all the family. Visitors get to see a real farm, and can watch, and even take part in, fun activities such as milking a cow, feeding animals, riding horses and learning more about how a farm operates. There are also dem
39. Pictures of Nakhon Ratchasima / Korat - Thailand
Pictures of Nakhon Ratchasima / Korat - Thailand. Nakhon Ratchasima, is not only a town - frequently referred to as Korat, but also a province of some 20,494 square kilometres. Nakhon Ratchasima is located 259 kilometres North-East of Bangkok, and borders Chaiyaphum and Khon Kaen to the North, Nakhon Nayok and Prachin Buri to the South, Buri Ram to the East and Chaiyaphum and Sarab
40. Pasaya -The Ultimate Bed Sheets in Bangkok
Leading Bangkok home fashion designer offers some of the most luxurious bed sheets and covers available anywhere in the world. With 420 thread count the bed sheets feels like silk and are a dream to sleep on.

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