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Your search for Journalist found the following documents (of 52086 documents searched):
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153. Supranational Hotels Partners eRevMax
Supranational Hotels has chosen RateTiger as its preferred hotel online channel management partner. Supranational Hotels’ members can now benefit from real-time business intelligence and channel management solutions, all designed to save time and increase revenue potential.
154. Travelport Launches Mobile Agent in Asia
Travelport has launched its Mobile Agent app in several key regions across Asia. Travelport-connected agents in Hong Kong, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore and Taiwan using the Galileo GDS platform are now able to download Travelport Mobile Agent to access and modify bookings on-the-go via their iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch or Android devices. The application will also be launched to W
155. Langham Place Mongkok Launches Tai Chi Classes
The Chuan Spa at the Langham Place, Mongkok Hong Kong hotel has introduced a Tai Chi class to help busy metropolitans achieve health and spiritual balance. Available every Tuesday and Saturday by the hotel’s rooftop swimming pool, guests can step in to the Tao of Tai Chi with Master Cheung Fu Yau.
156. Millennium Hotel Minneapolis Re-Opens After Extensive Renovations
The Millennium Hotel Minneapolis has re-opened after more than $22 million in extensive renovations throughout the property. The hotel, which had a soft opening in April, closed in December 2012 to undergo a complete transformation. The hotel has been remodeled from top to bottom including all 321 guest rooms and public spaces. Guest rooms now offer a modern, relaxed and refined lo
157. Etihad Cargo Certifies Worldwide Flight Services as Preferred Handling Partner
Etihad Cargo has certified international ground handling services company Worldwide Flight Services (WFS) as a Preferred Handling Partner (PHP). The two-year PHP certification with WFS is focused initially on six Etihad Cargo stations: London, Brussels, Paris, Bangkok, Washington D.C. and Seattle.
158. Asia Pacific Airlines Post Higher Earnings
Preliminary financial performance figures from the Association of Asia Pacific Airlines (AAPA) show that Asia Pacific airlines achieved US$5.2 billion in combined net profits in 2012, 6.7% above the US$4.8 billion reported for the year 2011. Sustained growth in passenger markets helped mitigate a challenging operating environment marked by prolonged weakness in air cargo markets an
159. Far East to Rename and Refresh Village Portfolio
Far East Hospitality has decided to refresh its Village portfolio of hotels and residences. As part of the refresh the hotels will be renamed and six of the eight Village properties will be refurbished. The refurbishment will include the rooms, façade and facilities as follows:
160. Six Senses Laamu Creates Code of Conduct for Dolphin Watching
Six Senses Laamu has established a Code of Conduct for dolphin watching in an attempt to help protect the local spinner and bottlenose dolphins, and to ensure the future sustainability of their populations. The code has been implemented by Rachel Lambert, the resort’s Resident Biologist, who has a Biological Science Degree from University of Oxford, and a Masters in Marine Biology

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