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Search Travel News Asia for: STA

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Your search for STA found the following documents (of 52086 documents searched):
Displaying documents 1-8 of 222, with best matches first:

1. STA Travel Opens New Store in Australia
STA Travel Opens New Store in Australia. One of Australia’s leading provider of student and youth holidays, STA Travel, has opened a new store in Geelong, Victoria.
2. Michelle Cox joins Australia’s STA Travel as Managing Director Asia Pacific
Michelle Cox joins Australia’s STA Travel as Managing Director Asia Pacific. Australia’s STA Travel, has appointed Michelle Cox as Managing Director Asia Pacific. Michelle has extensive background in business management, having worked for leading travel companies both in Australia and abroad in a tourism career spanning more than 16 years.
3. STA Travel appoints Andrew Gay as General Manager - New Zealand
STA Travel appoints Andrew Gay as General Manager - New Zealand. STA Travel, a global travel specialist for students and young adults, has appointed Andrew Gay to the position of New Zealand General Manager. Andrew has more than 27 years travel industry experience to the position including two decades in senior managerial roles and boasts an extensive knowledge of wholesale, corpor
4. Special airfares for Students from Abacus and STA Travel
Special airfares for Students from Abacus and STA Travel.
5. Greener Future for STA Travel
STA Travel aims to become STEP (Sustainable Tourism Eco-certified Program) accredited by 2015. STI’s STEP represents the gold standard for companies striving to be environmentally innovative, socially responsible and is endorsed by the United Nations’ Global Sustainable Tourism Council.
6. VisitBritain Partners STA Travel
VisitBritain has partnered STA Travel to jointly market Britain as a tourist destination for the youth market over the next four years. The deal between the two parties is worth over £2.8 million and will help boost visitor numbers to the country, capitalising on the unique opportunities provided by the recent Royal Wedding, next year’s Queen’s Diamond Jubilee and the London 2012 G
7. STA Travel Extends Content Agreement with Amadeus
STA Travel, a global travel organisation specialising in student and youth travel, has signed a long-term extension to its content agreement with Amadeus. The geographic scope of the deal includes Australia, New Zealand, the U.K., Germany, the U.S., Austria, Switzerland, South Africa, Sweden, Japan, Singapore and Thailand amongst others.
8. Saudi Tourism Authority Opens Regional Office in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
The Saudi Tourism Authority (STA) has opened a commercial office in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The office will cover the Southeast Asia region and will be responsible for trade and consumer marketing activities, expanding the reach and relevance of Saudi’s tourism offer and working with tour operators, travel agents and other industry stakeholders to build awareness and drive conversi

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