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Search Travel News Asia for: Lohitnavy

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Your search for Lohitnavy found the following documents (of 52086 documents searched):
Displaying documents 1-8 of 77, with best matches first:

1. Exclusive Interview with Owner of GranMonte Wines - Visooth Lohitnavy
Exclusive HD video interview with the owner of GranMonte Vineyard, Winery, and Estate, Mr. Visooth Lohitnavy. In this interview, filmed in the vineyard on 3 February 2013, Mr. Visooth tells us about the company, what wines they currently produce and whether he foresees an increase in production over the previous year's 80,000 bottles - and if so by how much.
2. Six Senses Yao Noi Partners GranMonte Vineyards
Six Senses Yao Noi Beyond Phuket will host Nikki Visootha Lohitnavy, Thailand’s only female graduated oenologist and viticulturist, daughter of GranMonte CEO and Managing Director, Khun Visooth Lohitnavy, representing Thailand’s premier wine growers, GranMonte vineyards.
3. Videos - High Definition Video Gallery - Page 18
Page 18. All the videos on ASIA Travel are shot using High Definition (HD) 1920 x 1080 (or greater) video recorders, and in addition to our ASIA Travel YouTube Account, many of the HD videos are also contained within articles featured here on ASIA Travel
4. Pictures of GranMonte Pick of the Season Harvest Festival 2013
Every year the GranMonte Vineyard, Winery and Estate, located in the beautiful Asoke Valley of Khao Yai, just 2 hours from Bangkok, holds an Harvest Festival. This year it was held 2-3 February and attracted people not just from all over Thailand, but also one couple who had flown in from Hong Kong, just to enjoy the evening.
5. GranMonte Harvest Festival to Take Place in Khao Yai 2/3 February 2013
On 2-3 February 2013, the annual Pick of the Season, GranMonte Harvest Festival, will take place at the GranMonte Estate, Vineyard and Winery, in Asoke Valley, Khao Yai, Thailand. This special weekend is fast becoming a must attend event on the Thai social calendar, with numerous activities planned for the Saturday and Sunday as well as a gourmet dinner with free flow of wine, and
6. Growth of Global Wine Tourism Discussed at UNWTO Conference in Georgia
The link between wine tourism and culture, history and lifestyle and the contribution of this segment to the development of the sector was widely discussed at the first UNWTO Global Conference on Wine Tourism held in the Kahketi region in Georgia. During two days (7-9 September) the event convened over 200 participants including policy makers and tourism experts from nearly 50 coun
7. Exclusive Interview with Mr. Prakard Tantiprasertsuk, Group GM, Noble Development
Exclusive HD video interview with Mr. Prakard Tantiprasertsuk, Group General Manager, Noble Development, owners of the 5-star Kirimaya Resort, Golf and Spa in Khao Yai, Thailand..
8. Exclusive HD Video Interview with CEO of The Unique Collection of Hotels & Resorts - Peter K
Exclusive HD video interview with CEO of The Unique Collection of Hotels & Resorts - Peter Kaelli. The interview was filmed at the ASEAN Tourism Forum in Vientiane, Laos, on 23 January 2013. .

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