Search Results Your search for Project Phoenix found the following documents (of 52086 documents searched): Displaying documents 1-8 of 53, with best matches first:
- 1. Project Phoenix Chooses Boeing 737-800 for VIP Conversion
Project Phoenix Chooses Boeing 737-800 for VIP Conversion. Project Phoenix, the Dubai-based business aircraft sales organisation which specialises in the renovation and conversion of airliners to VIP aircraft has chosen the Boeing 737-800 as the ideal candidate to enter the narrow-body airliner conversion market. Its new venture will be known as The Phoenix LBJ (Large Business Jet)
- 2. Project Phoenix appoints Andrew Johnston, Vice President Commercial
Project Phoenix appoints Andrew Johnston, Vice President Commercial. Project Phoenix, a Dubai-based company which specializes in Bombardier CRJ-200 executive VIP conversions has appointed Andrew Johnston as Vice President – Commercial. Andrew will be responsible for all the commercial elements relating to the conversion of CRJ-200 regional jets to executive business aircraft.
- 3. Project Phoenix CRJs to Include MedAire’s Remote Medical Assistance
Project Phoenix CRJs to Include MedAire’s Remote Medical Assistance. Project Phoenix will offer Phoenix CRJ owners a complimentary MedAire medical package, including a one year subscription that connects passengers and crew to doctors in MedAire’s 24/7 MedLink Global Response Center. In the event of an in-flight medical event, crewmembers can contact MedLink emergency care doctors
- 4. Project Phoenix signs Preferred Agreement with eJet Services
Project Phoenix signs Preferred Agreement with eJet Services. Project Phoenix, a CRJ VIP conversion specialist, has signed a preferred supplier and partnership agreement with eJet Services ahead of the first customer deliveries of the Phoenix CRJ conversions. eJet will offer Phoenix operators a comprehensive package of maintenance and operations support on a worldwide basis.
- 5. Project Phoenix delivers First CRJ
Project Phoenix has delivered the first high-specification Phoenix CRJ No 1 (Serial No 7211) to a Macau-based businessman. The aircraft is managed and operated by Macau-based Jet Asia.. Project Phoenix delivers First CRJ
- 6. PATA launches 'Project Phoenix'
PATA launches 'Project Phoenix'.
- 7. John Lawson joins Project Phoenix Board as Chairman
John Lawson joins Project Phoenix Board as Chairman. John Lawson, who joined Canadair as Director-Program Management for the Challenger Jet in 1980, has enjoyed a long career with Canadair/Bombardier holding executive positions in Government Requirements, Customer Support, and International Sales and Marketing.
- 8. Debut Flight of Luxury Phoenix CRJ
Debut Flight of Luxury Phoenix CRJ. Project Phoenix cheered the first flight of its high specification Phoenix CRJ No 1 (Serial No 7211) on 12th June 2009. The aircraft took to the air for 1 hour 10 minutes from completion centre Flying Colours’ facility at Peterborough, Ontario.
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