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Your search for David Millili found the following documents (of 52086 documents searched):
Displaying documents 1-8 of 45, with best matches first:

1. Pegasus Solutions Appoints David Millili as CEOr
Pegasus Solutions has named chief web officer, David Millili, as chief executive officer, effective immediately. Millili succeeds Mike Kistner, who is leaving the company.
2. Pegasus Solutions Appoints David Millili as Chief Web Officer
Pegasus Solutions has appointed David Millili as Chief Web Officer, a new role he will hold concurrent to his position as Chief Executive Officer of Open Hospitality, a Pegasus Solutions company. In his new role, Millili will assume responsibility for Pegasus’ complete online presence, including Pegasus Solutions, Utell Hotels & Resorts, Open Hospitality and
3. Pegasus Solutions Appoints New CIO
Pegasus Solutions has appointed Bill Rose as Chief Information Officer. The company’s former senior vice president of IT Global Services was appointed to the position by chief executive officer David Millili to help Pegasus’ nearly 100,000 global hotel clients focus on the future.
4. Hotels Determine Prevalence of Mobile Bookings
Hotels are responsible for the prevalence, or lack of mobile bookings for their properties, according to David Millili, chief executive officer of Pegasus Solutions. According to a recent survey from PhoCusWright, more than three-quarters of travelers are somewha” comfortable researching travel via mobile device, but only 40 percent said they are as comfortable purchasing a travel
5. Pegasus Solutions Sells Financial Services Division
Pegasus Solutions has sold its financial services division, Pegasus Financial Services, to H.I.G. Capital, LLC. Confirming the sale, chief executive officer David Millili reported the company is now in growth mode with renewed focus on its core business.
6. Q1 2013 Global Leisure Bookings Climb +5.1%
According to data released by Pegasus Solutions, the leisure travel market delivered a promising first quarter for hoteliers globally as bookings grew +5.1% through the end of March. As first quarter volumes in the business and leisure sectors climbed past 2012 levels, rates also delivered, rising +1.7% in the corporate market and +1.4% for leisure.
7. Pegasus Solutions Predicts Leisure Market to Stay Strong in 2014
According to Pegasus Solutions, the leisure market as a whole performed better in November 2013 than in November 2012, and is expected to climb further in 2014. Consumers made +1.9% more leisure bookings in November than last year at an average of +3.3% higher rates globally. All regions except Europe experienced single and double-digit growth, as rates held within one percent of p
8. Desktop and Laptop Hotel Bookings 85% - Mobile Hotel Bookings 15%
Mobile and tablet bookings for Pegasus client hotels made using the OpenView Internet booking engine amounted to more than 15% of all reservations in 2013. Clients of Pegasus Solutions web services division enjoyed a boost from the channel, surpassing the industry-wide 11% for the year, as presented by PhoCusWright at FITUR in Madrid.

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