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Search Travel News Asia for: "Airline Traffic"

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Your search for Airline Traffic found the following documents (of 52086 documents searched):
Displaying documents 1-8 of 6740, with best matches first:

1. IATA Reports July 2009 Airline Traffic
IATA Reports July 2009 Airline Traffic. International scheduled airline traffic results for July 2009 show passenger demand declining 2.9% compared to the same month in 2008, while freight demand was down 11.3%. International passenger load factors stood at 80.3%.
2. IATA Reports January 2012 Global Airline Traffic
Global airline traffic results compiled by IATA for January 2012 show a 5.7% rise in passenger demand but an 8% decline in air freight compared to the same month in 2011. The occurrence of Chinese New Year in January (rather than in February as in 2011) exaggerated the increase in passenger demand and the fall in air freight. Stripping this out, the underlying trend was for stronge
3. IATA Reports November 2011 Airline Traffic
IATA’s global airline traffic results for November 2011 show a softening in passenger markets while air cargo markets remain weak compared to levels attained earlier in the year. Passenger traffic was 4.3% above November 2010 levels but this is skewed as November 2010 was a particularly weak month. The softening in passenger markets becomes apparent when comparing to the previous m
4. IATA Reports Global Airline Traffic for June 2011
IATA's airline traffic results for June 2011 show a slight softening in demand for both air travel and freight markets. Compared to June 2010, passenger demand was up 4.4% while freight demand was 3% lower. The trend for passenger travel remains upwards, but at a slower pace than the post recession rebound which was at an annual rate close to 10%. The slowdown reflects slower econo
5. IATA Reports August 2010 Airline Traffic
IATA Reports August 2010 Airline Traffic. International scheduled traffic results of IATA members in August 2010 indicate year-on-year increases of a 6.4% for passenger and 19.6% for cargo. August demand is down from the 9.5% (revised) increase recorded for passenger and 23% growth in cargo recorded in July. The August 2010 data is
6. Airline Traffic continues to Slow in April 2008
Airline Traffic continues to Slow in April 2008. According to IATA's international traffic data for April 2008, year-on-year international passenger demand grew by 3% in April. Capacity growth of 5% saw load factors fall to 75.4%. This is a 1.5% drop from the 76.9% recorded during the same period last year and the third consecutive monthly year-on-year decline. International cargo
7. IATA Reports June 2009 Global Airline Traffic
IATA Reports June 2009 Global Airline Traffic. International scheduled traffic results for June 2009 show passenger demand declining 7.2% compared to the same month in the previous year while freight demand was down 16.5%. The figures, compiled by IATA, show international passenger load factors stood at 75.3%, down from 77.6% recorded in June 2008.
8. Airline Traffic Results for May 2007 show 5.5% Growth in year-on-year International Passenger De
Airline Traffic Results for May 2007 show 5.5% Growth in year-on-year International Passenger Demand. The International Air Transport Association (IATA) has released traffic results for May 2007 that shows 5.5% growth in year-on-year international passenger demand. Growth in freight demand rose to 5% (up sharply from 2.8% in April). This was the largest increase since September 200

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