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Search Travel News Asia for: "World Travel"

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Your search for World Travel found the following documents (of 52086 documents searched):
Displaying documents 89-96 of 1792, with best matches first:

89. WTTC Postpones Global Summit in Cancun, Mexico
The World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) has confirmed that its 20th Global Summit, scheduled to take place in Mexico on 22-23 April, will now take place in the Autumn of 2020.
90. Sarah Hallmark appointed Marketing Manager of Peppers Retreats
Sarah Hallmark appointed Marketing Manager of Peppers Retreats. The Stella Hospitality Group has appointed Sarah Hallmark to the position of Marketing Manager of Peppers Retreats. Sarah has a wealth of marketing and travel industry experience, having held senior positions with leading brands including Stella Travel Services, Travelscene Corporate and Harvey World Travel Franchises
91. Tourism Fiji Interview @ WTM 2011
On 9 November 2011 at the World Travel Market (WTM 2011) in London, ASIA Travel met with Mr. Thomas Valentine, Senior Marketing Officer of Tourism Fiji, to ask him about the state of Fiji's tourism industry. In the HD video interview below, ASIA Travel asks him which markets in the Asia Pacific region Fiji is targeting, what the visitor arrival numbers are like a
92. WTTC Unveils Finalists of 2019 Tourism for Tomorrow Awards
The World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC) has unveiled the 15 finalists for its 2019 Tourism for Tomorrow Awards. The 2019 finalists are organised into the following new categories: Climate Action, Investing in People, Destination Stewardship, Social Impact and Changemakers.
93. Reed Scraps Plan to Host Real and Virtual WTM London 2020
Reed Exhibitions, organiser of the annual World Travel Market (WTM) in London, has confirmed that their idea of holding a real and a virtual event has been scrapped, and only the virtual WTM will go ahead in November.
94. UK Recovery Severely Delayed by Lack of Spending by International Visitors
The World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) has said that the UK’s travel and tourism sector’s year-on-year recovery may only claw back a third, whilst international travel spending continues to plummet. The latest research from WTTC shows recovery in travel has been severely delayed by the lack of spending by international visitors. Published by on 14 October 2021
95. Iraq Tourism HD Video Interview
When you think of tourism, Iraq does not probably jump to mind. Despite that, there was a large Iraq booth at the World Travel Market (WTM) 2011 at Excel in London, with a reasonable number of delegates in attendance. ASIA Travel took the opportunity to sit down with Fadhil Al-Saaegh , Managing Director of Al-Rafidain Co. Ltd., to ask why Iraq has spent so much to promote
96. 20th WTTC Global ‘Hybrid’ Summit to Take Place in Cancun 23-25 March
The World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) has confirmed that its 20th Global Summit, originally scheduled to take place in Spring 2020, will now take place as a hybrid event in Cancun, Mexico on 23-25 March 2021.

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