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Search Travel News Asia for: "Climate Change"

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Your search for Climate Change found the following documents (of 52086 documents searched):
Displaying documents 225-232 of 724, with best matches first:

225. Be a Winner in the 2008 Tourism for Tomorrow Awards
Be a Winner in the 2008 Tourism for Tomorrow Awards. The World Travel & Tourism Council is inviting entries for the 2008 Tourism for Tomorrow Awards - one of the highest accolades in sustainable tourism.
226. PATA and ATA sign New MoU
PATA and ATA sign New MoU. The Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA) and Africa Travel Association (ATA) have renewed a Memorandum of Understanding to further strengthen cooperation between the African and Asia Pacific travel and tourism industries. The original partnership between the two associations was formed at ATA’s 31st Congress in Ghana in May 2006. Since then, several exc
227. Boeing Forecasts 7,200 New Airplanes for North America Over Next 20 Years
Boeing Forecasts 7,200 New Airplanes for North America Over Next 20 Years. Boeing forecasts that air carriers in North America will take delivery of about 7,200 new airplanes over the next 20 years at an investment of $700 billion. New airplane deliveries in Canada and the United States will be driven largely by the need to retire older, less fuel-efficient single-aisle airplanes a
228. IATA Reports Global Air Traffic for July 2013; Asia Pacific Up 6.3%
Demand for air travel recorded another solid month of growth in July 2013. According to IATA, overall revenue passenger kilometers (RPKs) were up 5.0% compared to July 2012, and all regions were up year-on-year, with emerging markets recording the strongest increases. Capacity rose 5.5% on the previous July, ahead of demand, and industry load factor dropped 0.4 percentage points to
229. Port of Los Angeles Continues to Reduce Air Emissions
The Port of Los Angeles continues to make major strides and harbor craft, according to the latest annual inventory of emissions from port-related mobile sources. The Port’s 2013 Inventory of Air Emissions shows the Port of Los Angeles has set new records with diesel particulate matter (DPM) down 80%, nitrogen oxides (NOx) down 57% and sulfur oxides (SOx) down 90% over eight years o
230. Qatar Airways’ Passengers Can Now Choose Whether to Offset Their Carbon Emissions
Qatar Airways’ passengers now have the option to voluntarily offset the carbon emissions associated with their journey at the point of booking. Qatar Airways’ initiative is built on a partnership with IATA’s Carbon Offset Programme, providing customers with the assurance that the credits bought to offset these emissions are from projects delivering independently verified carbon red
231. Ticket Prices to Rise in Europe as Aviation is Included in Emissions Trading Scheme
From the beginning of this year, all airlines are required to hold emission rights in the form of CO2 certificates for flights to and from Europe. In 2012, 82% of the necessary certificates will be awarded to airlines free of charge. Airlines will have to purchase another 15% of the certificates, with 3% being reserved for new airlines.
232. Singapore in Race to be Green Fuel Refinery Hub
Singapore in Race to be Green Fuel Refinery Hub. Spire Research and Consulting estimates that biofuel demand in Asia will grow by more than 50% a year over the next three years. As the region ramps up biofuel production, Singapore will be well-placed to compete for refinery contracts, but will face competition from producer countries eager to develop integrated biofuel value chains

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