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Search Travel News Asia for: Thistle

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Your search for Thistle found the following documents (of 52086 documents searched):
Displaying documents 209-216 of 501, with best matches first:

209. Hong Kong Disneyland’s Expansion Plans Approved
Hong Kong Disneyland’s Expansion Plans Approved. Hong Kong Disneyland has warmly welcomed the Legislative Council’s approval of the financial arrangement relating to its expansion plans. Over the next five years Hong Kong Disneyland is planning to add over 30 new attractions, bringing the total number of attractions and experiences at Hong Kong Disneyland to more than 100.
210. Survival Strategies for Travel Agents During Downturn
Survival Strategies for Travel Agents During Downturn. Speaking recently at a corporate travel event in the Philippines, Smith recommended that travel agencies should look for new collaborative opportunities and explore different selling strategies to stay ahead in today’s competitive and challenging marketplace.
211. Panama’s Copa Airlines Orders 13 Boeing 737-800s
Panama’s Copa Airlines Orders 13 Boeing 737-800s. The Panamanian airline Copa Airlines has ordered 13 Boeing 737-800 airplanes with options for an additional eight.
212. Heston Blumenthal to Open at Mandarin Oriental Hyde Park in 2010
Heston Blumenthal to Open at Mandarin Oriental Hyde Park in 2010. Mandarin Oriental and The Fat Duck Group have joined forces to create the first London restaurant with Chef Heston Blumenthal which will open at Mandarin Oriental’s property in autumn 2010.
213. Tour of Ireland to Start From The Ritz-Carlton Powerscourt
Tour of Ireland to Start From The Ritz-Carlton Powerscourt on 21 August 2009. Organisers of the Tour of Ireland professional cycle race, held in association with Fáilte Ireland, have announced a three day format for 2009. The race, from Friday 21st to Sunday 23rd August, should provide some spectacular racing with some of the top teams and names in cycling taking part.
214. Jeff Smisek to Become Continental Airlines’ President and COO
Jeff Smisek to Become Continental Airlines’ President and COO. Jeff Smisek, 54, Continental Airlines’ president and chief operating officer and a member of the board of directors, is to become chairman and chief executive officer, effective January 1, 2010.
215. Executive Appointments at Pan Pacific Hotels Group
Executive Appointments at Pan Pacific Hotels Group. Pan Pacific Hotels Group has appointed Ivan Lee as Area Vice President, Singapore and Melody King as Senior Vice President of Human Resources.
216. Etihad Airways opens Premium Lounge in Frankfurt
Etihad Airways opens Premium Lounge in Frankfurt. Etihad Airways has opened a new premium lounge in Frankfurt, Germany, its first outside the UAE. Conveniently located opposite the gates most commonly used by Etihad for the departure of its flights, the 275 square metre lounge can cater for up to 50 premium passengers in a world-class setting

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