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Search Travel News Asia for: Balloons

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Your search for Balloons found the following documents (of 52086 documents searched):
Displaying documents 9-16 of 98, with best matches first:

9. CINZ Appoints Claire Steele as Meetings’ Exhibition Manager
Claire Steele has joined CINZ as the new Meetings’ Exhibition Manager. Claire takes over from Kate Drury, who has left to pursue a new career outside of the sector after two years with Meetings. Claire is originally from the United Kingdom, and has been in New Zealand for nine years holding various roles in the hospitality and training sector there.
10. Travel News Asia Archives - January 2019
All the travel industry news featured on in January 2019, archived for your easy reference. Travel news from the world's travel trade, aviation and hospitality industries. The latest travel news we feature covers mainly Asia Pacific and Australasia but also extends to the Middle East, Europe and the US. We cover appointments, new deals, rebrandings, new technolog
11. Mandarin Oriental Dhara Dhevi Chiang Mai launches In-Villa Dining Promotion
Mandarin Oriental Dhara Dhevi Chiang Mai launches In-Villa Dining Promotion. The Mandarin Oriental Dhara Dhevi Chiang Mai is offering travellers a unique In-Villa Dining experience. Providing all the superior service that guests can expect at the resort’s restaurants, yet with the added touch of more personal attention, be it indoors or on the terrace.
12. New Restaurants with Stunning Views to be a Highlight of The New Peak Tower in Hong Kong
New Restaurants with Stunning Views to be a Highlight of The New Peak Tower in Hong Kong.
13. Highlights of New York City’s 2010 Holiday Season
Highlights of New York City’s 2010 Holiday Season. Every holiday season New York city transforms into a winter wonderland. The city radiates with holiday spirit as the five boroughs offer world-renowned performances, shopping, dining and more.
14. Travel the World @ Changi Airport
This festive season, Changi Airport is giving its visitors a magical experience by recreating some of the world’s greatest sights. Giant topiaries in the form of iconic world landmarks are now on display in both the public and transit areas of Terminals 2 and 3. Showcasing Changi Airport’s global connectivity and its position as Singapore’s gateway to the world, the topiaries, whic
15. Maldives Could Benefit from Integrated Climate Change Model
The Maldives, which is committed to becoming carbon neutral by 2020, could significantly benefit from a new branch of environmental science. The Integrated Resource Model, which has been developed by Peter Head, of the Ecological Sequestration Trust, uses cloud computing to develop ecological models that boost economic growth and reduce carbon emissions.
16. New Year Packages at the Orchard Hotel Singapore
New Year Packages at the Orchard Hotel Singapore. The Orchard Hotel in Singapore has put together the following selection of special festive packages for the New Year.

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