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Search Travel News Asia for: "Media One"

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Your search for Media One found the following documents (of 52086 documents searched):
Displaying documents 209-216 of 20624, with best matches first:

209. ATF 2012 Kicks Off with Pre-TRAVEX Networking Activities
Over 1,400 registered TRAVEX delegates from across ASEAN and the rest of the world are expected to congregate at the Golden Kawanua Exhibition Hall this week. ASEAN exhibitors will form some 920 of these delegates, while international buyers from 51 countries and media from 36 countries comprise 390 and 103 of total attendance respectively.
210. Flying Display Rehearsal for Singapore Airshow 2014 - Highlights
On Sunday, 9 February 2014, the media were treated to a special rehearsal of just some of the exhilarating flying displays that will be taking place during the Singapore Airshow between 11-16 February 2014. Each display is a little different, and some aircraft appear on some days and others not. Some of the aircraft that will perform in the displays include the Airbus A350-900 XWB,
211. Libyan Airlines Adds OnAir’s GSM and Wi-Fi to New A330s
Libyan Airlines will take delivery of its first Airbus A330 equipped with OnAir connectivity next month. Passengers on long-haul flights to and from Tripoli will be able to stay in contact with family, friends and colleagues by phone, SMS and email. They will also be able to update social media accounts and use the internet.
212. JAL and TripAdvisor to Launch ‘Untold Stories of Japan’
Japan Airlines (JAL) has partnered TripAdvisor to help boost tourism to the country. The joint initiative will take the form of an immersive multi-media portal, Untold Stories of Japan, that highlights some of the many less well known areas of the country.
213. AirAsia launches Regional Advertising Campaign
AirAsia launches Regional Advertising Campaign. Spearheading the campaign will be the television commercial directed by the late Yasmin Ahmad. It will be rolled out across Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia and Thailand on 14th October 2009, supported by online, outdoor, print and social media presence. A microsite has also been created.
214. Mekong Tourism Forum to Take Place 27-28 May 2011 in Southern Laos
Social media, mobile apps, real time data for the travel industry, multi-country thematic tours, responsible travel, and the importance of service in Mekong region destinations will all take centre stage during the Mekong Tourism Forum which will take place 27-28 May in Pakse, southern Laos.
215. Two Seats Available on First Private Mission to International Space Station
Two Seats Available on First Private Mission to International Space Station. This private spaceflight opportunity will be a fully dedicated mission of the Soyuz-TMA spacecraft with two seats available for private space explorers, along with a comprehensive package of mission services including science, education and media program options. The first private mission to the ISS is off
216. GiSAT to Expand Broadband Services in Africa
Boeing is to build a 702 satellite called GiSAT, which will have a new digital payload offering twice the capacity of previous digital payload designs. The customer, Cayman Islands-based Global IP, will use the satellite to deliver streaming media, digital broadcast and other communications services to Sub-Saharan Africa. With a coverage area encompassing 35 countries and 750 milli

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