Preliminary traffic figures from the Association
of Asia Pacific Airlines (AAPA) for the month of May 2015 show
further gains in international passenger demand and air cargo
Boosted by strong leisure travel demand, the
region's carriers recorded an 11.8% increase in the number of
international passengers carried in May to an aggregate total of
22.9 million.
Traffic, in revenue passenger kilometre (RPK)
terms, grew by a corresponding 9.6%, outpacing the 6.7% expansion
in available seat capacity to result in a 2.1 percentage point
increase in the average international passenger load factor to
Andrew Herdman
Air cargo demand, in freight tonne kilometre
(FTK) terms, increased by 2.9%, whilst offered freight capacity
grew by 5.1%, leading to a 1.4 percentage point decrease in the
average international freight load factor to 63.5% for the month.
"International air passenger markets remained buoyant in May, led by firm demand in major North Asian
markets. Taken together, the first five months of the year saw
Asian airlines post a healthy 9.9% increase in the number of
international passengers carried to a combined total of 113.6
million," said Mr. Andrew Herdman,
AAPA Director General. "International air cargo
markets recorded further growth in May, albeit at a moderate pace
compared to the preceding months when demand was boosted by
congestion in US West Coast maritime ports. Overall, Asian
airlines registered a 6.3% increase in international air freight
demand for the first five months of the year."
"Overall, air passenger markets are
expected to maintain robust growth rates, with competitive fares
making air travel very affordable. The demand environment for air
cargo markets also remains positive, although the pace of
expansion appears to be moderating. Asian carriers are continuing
to strive for further operating efficiencies with an eye on
improving overall profitability this year after some disappointing
results in 2014," Mr. Herdman added.