The air transport industry maintained its
excellent safety record in 2009, making it one of the safest years
in aviation history, and further reinforcing the fact that flying
is the safest form of travel.
Globally, for the year 2009 as a whole, there
were 12 major accidents involving large western-built commercial
jets, 9 of which resulted in a total of 414 fatalities. The number
of major accidents was 25% fewer than the average for recent
years. With over twenty five million commercial flights operating
annually worldwide, the result reflects an average loss rate of
one major accident for every two million flights.
There was only one major accident involving a
carrier based in the Asia Pacific region, the loss of a BAe146
freighter with six crew members in April 2009 in Indonesia.
A review of all major accidents that occurred
worldwide in 2009 indicates that one third involved freighter
aircraft; one third occurred during the approach and landing
phase; and one quarter were due to runway over-runs. In
particular, the occurrence of a number of incidents involving loss
of control, rather than mechanical failure, has highlighted
potential new risk factors relating to the operation of highly
automated aircraft systems and contributory human factors. Further
analysis points towards the need to reinforce safety management
systems and training in the relevant operational areas.
Commenting on the industry’s safety performance,
Mr. Andrew Herdman, Director General of the Association of Asia
Pacific Airlines (AAPA) said, “Flying is recognised as the safest
form of travel, and maintaining the industry’s excellent safety
record is always our number one priority. The major Asia Pacific
airlines are amongst the safest in the world, with levels of
safety performance fully comparable to their counterparts in
Europe and North America. Nevertheless, there is never any room
for complacency, and we must maintain our efforts to further
enhance safety performance.”
“In 2010, AAPA will continue to work with
regulatory agencies and other stakeholders to further strengthen
regulatory oversight and safety management procedures, to meet the
expected future growth in travel demand. Safety is founded on
close collaboration. As part of these efforts, AAPA will be
organising an Asia Pacific Aviation Safety Seminar (APASS 2010) in
Manila, Philippines in September 2010,” Mr Herdman added.
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