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Your search for Kindle found the following documents (of 52086 documents searched):
Displaying documents 1-8 of 11, with best matches first:

1. Books for your Kindle - The Perfect Travel Companion
Books are an integral part of many a business and leisure trip, and now that many of us have an e-reader such as the Kindle, it is no longer a burden to travel with more than just the one. My favourite two authors / series at the moment? Mark Dawson's John Milton Series is my number one choice. His other books are also excellent, and while there is some overlap, it's his John Milto
2. Amazon Launches Prime Reading in U.S.
Amazon has launched Prime Reading in the U.S. The new service allows Prime members of Amazon in America to enjoy unlimited reading from a rotating selection of books, magazines, comics and more – at no additional cost.
3. Videos - High Definition Video Gallery Page 16
Page 16. All the videos on ASIA Travel are shot using High Definition (HD) 1920 x 1080 (or greater) video recorders, and in addition to our ASIA Travel YouTube Account, many of the HD videos are also contained within articles featured here on ASIA Travel
4. SIA Enhances Audio Book Selection with NLB Partnership
Customers on board Singapore Airlines flights can now look forward to a wider selection of audio books on KrisWorld, the airline’s inflight entertainment system, through a collaboration with the National Library Board (NLB). The initial batch of 13 audio books includes titles such as Dracula by Bram Stoker, Wizard Of Oz by L. Frank Baum and The War Of The Worlds by HG Wells.
5. Desktop and Laptop Hotel Bookings 85% - Mobile Hotel Bookings 15%
Mobile and tablet bookings for Pegasus client hotels made using the OpenView Internet booking engine amounted to more than 15% of all reservations in 2013. Clients of Pegasus Solutions web services division enjoyed a boost from the channel, surpassing the industry-wide 11% for the year, as presented by PhoCusWright at FITUR in Madrid.
6. Wotif Opens Cape Town Office
Wotif Opens Cape Town Office. Global accommodation specialist has strengthened its destination focus on South Africa with the opening of an office in Cape Town.
7. Amazon Launches Instant Pickup in U.S.
Amazon has launched a new service in the U.S. called Instant Pickup. The free service offers Prime and Prime Student members a curated selection of daily essentials available for pickup in two minutes or less at five of Amazon’s fully staffed pickup locations in Los Angeles, Atlanta, Berkeley, Calif., Columbus, Ohio, and College Park, Md.
8. Hotels Determine Prevalence of Mobile Bookings
Hotels are responsible for the prevalence, or lack of mobile bookings for their properties, according to David Millili, chief executive officer of Pegasus Solutions. According to a recent survey from PhoCusWright, more than three-quarters of travelers are somewha” comfortable researching travel via mobile device, but only 40 percent said they are as comfortable purchasing a travel

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