Search Results Your search for September 2009 found the following documents (of 52086 documents searched): Displaying documents 1-8 of 767, with best matches first:
- 1. Singapore Visitor Arrivals in September 2009
Singapore Visitor Arrivals in September 2009. Visitor arrivals to Singapore registered its first growth (+7.1%) this year to reach 799,000 in September 2009. Visitor days were estimated at 3.2 million days, a year-on-year decline of 1% when compared with September 2008.
- 2. Hong Kong Visitor Arrivals in September 2009
Hong Kong Visitor Arrivals in September 2009. Visitor arrivals to Hong Kong reached 2,250,718 in September 2009, 2.5% more than in the same month of 2008. Cumulatively, arrivals from January to September totalled 21,159,973, with the year-to-date shortfall further improved from –3.4% in August to –2.8% in September.
- 3. BAA Reports September 2009 UK Airports Traffic
BAA Reports September 2009 UK Airports Traffic. Heathrow Airport’s passenger traffic remained stable in the month of September 2009, showing a marginal decrease of 0.3% on September 2008. A 5% drop in aircraft movements and significantly improved capacity utilisation led to a sharp increase in load factor from 73.9% in September 2008 to 78.2% this September.
- 4. Association of Asia Pacific Airlines Reports September 2009 Traffic
Association of Asia Pacific Airlines Reports September 2009 Traffic. Preliminary figures released by the Association of Asia Pacific Airlines (AAPA) show that member airlines carried a total of 10.8 million international passengers in September 2009, effectively matching the numbers carried in the same month last year for the first time in over twelve months.
- 5. Air Canada Reports September 2009 Traffic
Air Canada Reports September 2009 Traffic. Air Canada has reported a September 2009 system load factor of 79.7% on a consolidated basis with Jazz (from which Air Canada purchases regional capacity), versus 79.9% in September 2008, a decrease of 0.2 percentage points. System traffic decreased 2.1% on a capacity reduction of 2% system wide.
- 6. Sheraton Nha Trang to Open September 2009
Sheraton Nha Trang to Open September 2009. Starwood has targeted September 2009 as the debut for its new Sheraton Nha Trang property. The 282-room, 30-story Sheraton Nha Trang Hotel & Spa will join only a handful of international-quality upscale hotels available on Vietnam's beaches.
- 7. Travel News Archives from 18 September 2009 to 12 October 2009
Travel News Archives from 18 September 2009 to 12 October 2009. All the latest travel news from the travel trade industry featured on ASIA Travel between 18 September and 12 October 2009. Asia travel news from the worlds travel trade industry, latest travel news covering mainly Asia Pacific. Free daily travel news email and rss feed available.
- 8. U.S. Hotel Performance in September 2009
U.S. Hotel Performance in September 2009. According to data from STR, the industry’s year-on-year occupancy levels fell 6.3% to end the month at 56.7%. ADR dropped 10.2% to finish the month at US$96.67, while RevPAR decreased 15.9% to finish at US$54.78.
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