Search Results Your search for January 2010 found the following documents (of 52086 documents searched): Displaying documents 1-8 of 626, with best matches first:
- 1. Jet Airways Reports Strong January 2010 Numbers
Jet Airways Reports Strong January 2010 Numbers. India’s Jet Airways has recorded a fourth consecutive month of growth for January 2010. The airline improved on its impressive performance in December 2009, reporting a 30% surge in international passenger traffic for January 2010 vis-à-vis the same period last year. Domestic passenger traffic in January 2010 also registered a 26% in
- 2. Travel News Archives from 4 January 2010 to 21 January 2010
Travel News Archives from 4 January 2010 to 21 January 2010. All the travel news featured on ASIA Travel between 4 and 21 January 2010 - archived for your easy reference. Asia travel news from the worlds travel trade industry, latest travel news covering mainly Asia Pacific. Free daily travel news email and rss feed available.
- 3. Tiger Airways Reports January 2010 Traffic
Tiger Airways Reports January 2010 Traffic. In January 2010, Tiger Airways sold a total of 428,000 seats across its network of services in Asia and Australia, up 53% from 279,000 passengers in January 2009. For the twelve months ending 31 January 2010, sales totalled 4.5 million seats, up 42.9% from the 3.1 million passengers for the preceding twelve months.
- 4. Singapore Visitor Arrivals in January 2010
Singapore Visitor Arrivals in January 2010. Visitor arrivals to Singapore registered 17.6% growth to reach 908,000 in January 2010. Impressively, this is the highest recorded visitor arrivals for the vibrant city-state in the month of January. Visitor days were estimated at 3.6 million days, a year-on-year growth of 8.7%, as compared to January 2009.
- 5. Singapore Visitor Arrivals in January 2010
Singapore Visitor Arrivals in January 2010. Visitor arrivals to Singapore registered 17.6% growth to reach 908,000 in January 2010. Impressively, this is the highest recorded visitor arrivals for the vibrant city-state in the month of January. Visitor days were estimated at 3.6 million days, a year-on-year growth of 8.7%, as compared to January 2009.
- 6. Hong Kong Visitor Arrivals in January 2010
Hong Kong Visitor Arrivals in January 2010. Visitor arrivals to Hong Kong reached 2,960,319 in January 2010, 5.9% more than in January 2009. Emerging markets, namely India (+47.3%), Russia (+141.9%) and the Middle East (+41.8% ), continued their upward trend since the last quarter of 2009, with arrivals substantially boosted by a number of reasons, such as expanded flight capacity,
- 7. Fiji Visitor Arrivals in January 2010
Fiji Visitor Arrivals in January 2010. Fiji has kicked off 2010 with a 37.6% jump in international visitor arrivals – the best figures the destination has recorded for the start to a new year’s business since 2008. Figures released this week by Tourism Fiji for January 2010 show the destination attracted a total of 45,362 international visitors in January, a more than 9000 increase
- 8. IATA Reports January 2010 Traffic
IATA Reports January 2010 Traffic. IATA’s January 2010 statistics for international scheduled air traffic show continuing improvement. Compared to the previous year, January passenger demand was up 6.4%. Against this improving demand, a 1.2% increase in passenger capacity in January pushed load factors to 75.9% (up from the 72.2% recorded for January 2009).
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