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Search Travel News Asia for: "December 2009"

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Your search for December 2009 found the following documents (of 52086 documents searched):
Displaying documents 1-8 of 540, with best matches first:

1. Travel News Archives from between 7 December 2009 and 22 December 2009
Travel News Archives from between 7 December 2009 and 22 December 2009. All the travel news featured on ASIA Travel between 7 and 22 December 2009 - archived for your easy reference. Asia travel news from the worlds travel trade industry, latest travel news covering mainly Asia Pacific. Free daily travel news email and rss feed available.
2. Singapore Visitor Arrivals in December 2009 and Year 2009
Singapore Visitor Arrivals in December 2009 and Year 2009. Visitor arrivals to Singapore registered 9.4% growth to reach 971,000 in December 2009. Remarkably, considering the global economic climate and other factors, this is the highest visitor arrivals in a month ever achieved. FPT were estimated at 3.7 million days, a year-on-year growth of 5.3% in comparison with December 2008.
3. Changi Closes 2009 with Record Traffic in December 2009
Changi Closes 2009 with Record Traffic in December 2009. Following a challenging first half in 2009, Singapore Changi Airport registered a strong rebound in the last quarter of the year, with a monthly record of 3.83 million passenger movements in December 2009. This was an increase of 9.7% compared to December 2008 and 9.1% more than the previous record of 3.51 million set in Dece
4. Jet Airways Reports December 2009 Traffic
Jet Airways Reports December 2009 Traffic. India’s Jet Airways has reported a 53 % surge in domestic, and 28% surge in international passenger traffic for the month of December 2009, vis-a-vis the same period last year. The average seat factor for Jet Airways’ international operations for December stood at 84.9%, reflecting growing passenger demand for the airline’s award-winning i
5. Cathay Pacific Reports December 2009 Traffic
Cathay Pacific Reports December 2009 Traffic. Cathay Pacific and Dragonair carried a total of 2,216,131 passengers in December 2009 - a rise of 5% on the same month in 2008. The month’s passenger load factor was 83.9%, an increase of 4.9 percentage points, while capacity for the month, measured in available seat kilometres (ASKs), was down by 2%. For the year as a whole, the number
6. Air Canada Reports December 2009 Traffic
Air Canada Reports December 2009 Traffic For the month of December 2009, Air Canada reported a system load factor of 81.2% on a consolidated basis with Jazz (from which Air Canada purchases regional capacity), versus 81.7% in December 2008, a decrease of 0.5 percentage points. System traffic increased 3.4% on a capacity increase of 4.0% system wide.
7. Lufthansa Reports December 2009 Traffic
Lufthansa Reports December 2009 Traffic. Lufthansa flew fewer passengers in 2009 than in 2008. In the period January through December 2009, around 55.6 million passengers opted for flights with Lufthansa, a decline of 2.6% on the year-earlier level. During the year, capacity was scaled back by 1.3%. Revenue seat-kilometres fell by 2.4% and the seat load factor was down year-on-year
8. STR Reports Global Hotel Pipeline for December 2009
STR Reports Global Hotel Pipeline for December 2009. According to the December 2009 STR Global Construction Pipeline Report released this week, the Asia Pacific hotel development pipeline includes 956 hotels comprising 232,460 rooms. Among the key markets, Shanghai, China, ended the month with the most rooms in the total active pipeline with 13,723 rooms. Bangkok, Thailand, followe

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