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Search Travel News Asia for: "Compass Edge"

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Your search for Compass Edge found the following documents (of 52086 documents searched):
Displaying documents 1-8 of 469, with best matches first:

1. Year of Change for Compass Edge - Exclusive Interview with Anita Chan, CEO
It's a year of change for Hong Kong-based company, Compass Edge. In this exclusive interview with CEO Anita Chan, filmed at the Okura Prestige Hotel in Bangkok on 19 January 2018, we ask Anita how business was in 2017 when compared to 2016, and what targets Compass Edge has for 2018.
2. Compass Edge Opens European HQ in London - HD Video Interview with MD, Cho Wong
Compass Edge, a leading Hong Kong-based technology solutions company for independent hotels, has expanded its rapidly growing operations to Europe with the opening of an office in London, England. The office, which will be headed by Cho Wong as Managing Director, is responsible for increasing the number of hotels in Europe that make use of Compass Edge's comprehensive portfolio of
3. Compass Edge Finland - Interview with Deiv Salutskij, Managing Director
Exclusive interview with Deiv Salutskij, Managing Director of Compass Edge Finland. In this interview, filmed in London on 5 November 2018, Steven Howard asks Deiv to tell us how this year's business compares to 2017, and what plans Compass Edge Finland has for 2019 and beyond. We discuss the latest trends with Chinese travellers visiting Finland and which areas of the country Deiv
4. Ling Nan Hospitality and Compass Edge Launch LN Global Hotel Alliance
Ling Nan Hospitality and Compass Edge have co-founded a new alliance. The two companies, together with partners China Southern Airlines and GZL Travel Services, used the Guangzhou International Travel Fair (GITF) on 1 March 2018 to launch the LN Global Hotel Alliance.
5. Compass Edge Expands Services with NetMedia Joint Venture
Compass Edge, a leading Hong Kong-based online solutions provider for the hospitality industry, has invested in the Thailand-based digital marketing agency, NetMedia. The two companies have formed a joint venture, called NetMedia Edge, that will provide a full portfolio of China-Western digital marketing services.
6. EZYield Partners Compass Edge
EZYield has joined forces with Compass Edge as its new reseller and channel sales partner in mainland China. The relationship opens up the world’s largest hotel growth market, which is forecasted to reach nearly US $8 billion by 2012, to the rest of the world through a local language channel management system with connections to more than 650 OTA and third-party websites.
7. Travel Industry Videos - Exclusive Interviews, Press Conferences and More
Exclusive travel industry videos shot in HD by include exclusive HD video interviews with travel industry VIPs, press conferences and much more. All the videos on ASIA Travel are shot using High Definition (HD) 1920 x 1080 (or greater) video recorders, and in addition to our ASIA Travel YouTube Account, many of the HD videos are also contained w
8. AppNexus Signs Preferred Partner Agreement with PATA
AppNexus, an advertising technology company, has signed a new Preferred Partnership agreement with PATA. The agreement will allow PATA members to better understand the new landscape of programmatic advertising and how best to utilise it for their respective organisations.

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