Search Results Your search for ATF 2016 found the following documents (of 52086 documents searched): Displaying documents 1-8 of 92, with best matches first:
- 1. Update on Tourism in Indonesia - HD Video of Press Conference at ATF 2016
At the ASEAN Tourism Forum (ATF) 2016 in Manila, Philippines in January, Indonesia's Minister of Tourism Arief Yahya gave a very informative media briefing to the local and international press attending the event. Mr. Arief Yahya gave media an in-depth look into the country's tourism industry. He talks about visitor arrivals in 2015, targets for 2016, visas, what the country is doi
- 2. Brunei Tourism and Sharia Law - HD Video and MP3 Audio from Press Conference at ATF 2016
Brunei Tourism and Sharia Law - HD Video and MP3 Audio from Press Conference at ATF 2016. Ak Zulkhairi Pg Abdul Razak, Tourism Officer - Tourism Marketing and Promotion Centre of the Ministry of Primary Resources and Tourism - Brunei Darussalam. The HD video is of the answer given in reply to a journalist's question, at the Brunei Tourism press conference, about how Sharia Law has
- 3. Lao PDR Tourism Update - HD Video from ATF 2016
Mr. Sounh Manivong, Director General - Tourism Development Department of the Ministry of Information, Culture and Tourism of Lao PDR gave a press conference to update media on the tourism industry in the beautiful country of Laos. In this video you will learn the visitor arrival numbers for 2015, targets for 2016 and what Laos will be doing to promote tourism to the country in 2016
- 4. Tourism Authority of Thailand Gives Media Presentation at ATF 2016 in Manila
The Tourism Authority of Thailand's (TAT) new Governor, Mr. Yuthasak Supasorn, gave the attached media presentation/conference at the ASEAN Tourism Forum 2016 in Manila, Philippines. This HD video of the press conference, which took place on 22 January 2016, is of the whole media briefing excluding the Q&A session at the end. In this video you will learn what TAT's objectives are f
- 5. Premier Inn's Expansion Plans for Asia Pacific - HD Video Interview
Exclusive HD video interview with Linda Muhlis, Head of Sales and Marketing for Premier Inn in Indonesia. In this video, filmed at the ASEAN Tourism Forum (ATF) 2016 in Manila, Philippines we talk about the group and its expansion plans within the Asia Pacific region. We talk about rates, what Premier Inn is about and whether Whitbread will also be bringing their exciting hub by Pr
- 6. Cambodia Tourism Update / Press Conference at ASEAN Tourism Forum 2016 - HD Video
Cambodia tourism press conference at the ASEAN Tourism Forum (ATF) 2016 in Manila, Philippines. In this video H.E. So Visothy updates media present on Cambodia's tourism industry, how the country ended 2015 in terms of visitor arrivals, and what they are planning to do to grow the tourism sector. The press conference took place on the morning of 21 January 2016.
- 7. ASEAN Tourism Forum 2016 in Philippines Attracts 2,620 Delegates
Philippines, the host of the 35th ASEAN Tourism Forum (ATF) 2016 in Manila, is pulling out all stops to make an impression on the 2,620 delegates comprising of ministerial and NTO delegates, as well as Travex suppliers from across ASEAN, international buyers and media. ATF Travex will see 1,000 exhibitors connect with 457 buyers from around the world, alongside 175 international an
- 8. ASEAN Tourism Forum - ATF 2015 and ATF 2016
The ASEAN Tourism Forum (ATF) is a travel trade show which rotates annually among the member countries of ASEAN. In 2015, ASEAN Tourism Forum (ATF) took place in the mystical country of Myanmar for the first time since its inauguration in 1981. ATF 2015 attracted around 1,500 attendees from more than 40 countries, including tourism ministers and officials, ASEAN exhibitors, interna
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