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Your search for Sustainable found the following documents (of 52086 documents searched):
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9. STI’s STEP Eco-Certification Standard Recognized by Global Sustainable Tourism Criteria
Sustainable Travel International's STEP eco-certification standard has been officially recognized by the Global Sustainable Tourism Council. To achieve this recognition, STEP underwent a rigorous review and authorization procedure. As a result, STEP is now considered equivalent to the Global Sustainable Tourism Criteria, the worldwide minimum sustainability requirements for tourism
10. Finnair to Increase Use of Sustainable Aviation Fuel
Neste, one of the world’s largest producers of sustainable aviation fuel from renewable waste and residues, has signed an agreement with Finnair which will gradually and considerably increase the airline’s use of sustainable aviation fuel in its operations.
11. Sustainable Travel International Appoints New CEO
Sustainable Travel International has made the following changes to its leadership team: Effective 1 April 2015, Founder Brian T. Mullis will be Sustainable Travel International’s new Chairman of the Board, and Dr. Louise Twining-Ward will take Mullis’ place as CEO. Mullis has always nurtured a senior leadership team and will work closely with Twining-Ward to expand the organization
12. British Airways Hoping to Buy Sustainable Jet Fuel from New Plant in England
British Airways is one step closer to powering its future fleet with sustainable jet fuel made from rubbish as plans have been submitted to develop Europe’s first household and commercial solid waste to sustainable fuels plant. Altalto Immingham Limited, a subsidiary of renewable fuels company Velocys and a collaboration with British Airways and Shell, has submitted a planning appl
13. UNWTO and WTTC Welcome Adoption of Sustainable Development Goals
The UNWTO and WTTC have welcomed the adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Tourism is one of the most dynamic economic sectors, with significant global reach, and can make an important contribution to the achievement of the SDGs, particularly in the areas of job creation, sustainable consumption and production and the preservation of natural resources.
14. Indonesia Opens Three Sustainable Tourism Observatories
Indonesia has joined the UNWTO International Network of Sustainable Tourism Observatories (INSTO) with the opening of three sustainable tourism observatories. The observatories, located in the regions of Sesaot, Senggigi Lombok Barat, Pangandaran and Sleman, will be hosted by the Bandung Institute of Technology, Gadjah Mada University and the Mataram University.
15. GTAC Welcomes International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development 2017
The Global Travel Association Coalition (GTAC) says the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development 2017 is an opportunity to underline the immense socio-economic opportunities brought by the sector to all societies, as well as its power to advocate for mutual understanding, peace and sustainable development worldwide.
16. Tourism Industry Committed to Fight Climate Change – COP22
The role of tourism in implementing the Paris Agreement was on the table during the 22nd Session of the UNFCCC Conference of Parties (COP22). The International Symposium of the Sustainable Tourism Programme of the United Nations 10-Year Framework of Programmes on Sustainable Consumption and Production (10YFP), held during COP 22, discussed how to advance Sustainable Tourism in a Ch

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