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Your search for Satellite found the following documents (of 52086 documents searched):
Displaying documents 1-8 of 2685, with best matches first:

1. Boeing Geomobile Satellite Joining Mexico’s Advanced Mexsat System
A Boeing 702HP (high power) satellite launched last week will soon be part of the world’s most capable and advanced mobile satellite system. The satellite, named Morelos-3, is transmitting initial on-orbit signals as it makes its way to its final orbital location within Mexico’s new Mexsat system.
2. Boeing to Build Third All-Electric Propulsion Satellite for ABS
Boeing has won a contract to build ABS-8, the third all-electric propulsion 702SP (small platform) satellite for ABS, a commercial satellite provider based in Bermuda and Hong Kong. This satellite will expand broadcast and enterprise services to Australia, New Zealand, the Middle East, Russia, South Asia and Southeast Asia.
3. Green Light for New Terminal 2 Satellite Facility @ Munich Airport
Green Light for New Terminal 2 Satellite Facility @ Munich Airport. The satellite facility is not a standalone terminal and will not have landside transportation links. Passengers arriving or departing through it will use the check-in and ticket desks and the arrivals area in Terminal 2. The new facility will be linked to Terminal 2 via an underground passenger transportation syste
4. Airbus Built Eutelsat Quantum Satellite Shipped to Ariane 5 Launch Site
The Airbus built Eutelsat Quantum satellite has been shipped from the Airbus Defence and Space facilities in Toulouse to Kourou, French Guiana, ready for launch at the end of July on an Ariane 5. The Eutelsat Quantum satellite will supply services with unprecedented in-orbit reconfigurability in coverage, frequency and power, allowing complete mission rehaul, at any orbital positio
5. Boeing’s Second ABS All-Electric Propulsion Satellite Enters Service
A Boeing satellite built for ABS entered into commercial service on 21 January 2017, providing enhanced satellite services including direct-to-home television services to customers in Africa, the Middle East, North Africa, Russia, South Asia and South East Asia.
6. New Boeing-Built Satellite to Orbit Over Asia Pacific
A Boeing-built satellite called JCSAT-18/Kacific was launched from Cape Canaveral, Florida at about 19:10 on Monday. The satellite will enter service several weeks after on-orbit tests and moving to its final geostationary orbit position over the Asia-Pacific region.
7. Boeing-Built Satellite Completes NASA’s Space Communications Network
The sixth and final Boeing Tracking and Data Relay Satellite (TDRS), launched on Friday, will enhance NASA’s space communications network when the satellite becomes fully operational early next year.
8. Deutsche Telekom Partners Inmarsat to Deliver Combined LTE-Based Ground and Satellite Network
Deutsche Telekom and Inmarsat have entered into a strategic partnership to bring unprecedented passenger connectivity to Europe’s aviation industry and its customers. Deutsche Telekom and Inmarsat are working together to develop the European Aviation Network seamlessly combining satellite connectivity from a new Inmarsat S-band satellite with an LTE-based ground network developed a

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