Search Results Your search for HKTB found the following documents (of 52086 documents searched): Displaying documents 49-56 of 1507, with best matches first:
- 49. HKTB sets target of 22.9 Million Visitor Arrivals for 2005
HKTB sets target of 22.9 Million Visitor Arrivals for 2005.
- 50. HKTB challenges Trade Partners to win a Journey of Discovery to Hong Kong
HKTB challenges Trade Partners to win a Journey of Discovery to Hong Kong.
- 51. HKTB welcomes appointment of 5 New Members
HKTB welcomes appointment of 5 New Members. The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) Government has appointed five new Members to the Hong Kong Tourism Board. Appointed for a three-year term, the new Members are: Ms Shirley Chan Suk-ling, Dr Michael Chan Yue-kwong, Messrs Ko Chi-sum, Larry Kwok Lam-kwong and Stanley Hui Hon-chung. The appointments are effective 1 Novembe
- 52. HKTB appoints Deputy Executive Director
HKTB appoints Deputy Executive Director
- 53. Hong Kong launches 2008 Summer Temptations Promotion
Hong Kong launches 2008 Summer Temptations Promotion. The Hong Kong Tourism Board (HKTB) has launched its mega summer promotion, the 2008 Hong Kong Summer Temptations. The promotion will run from 1 July to 21 September. This year, the HKTB is giving the promotion a new twist by showcasing Hong Kong’s summer experience in a different light. Offering diverse and exciting shopping, di
- 54. HKTB and Guangdong Travel Trade join forces to bring 10,000 Mainland Visitors to Hong Kong
HKTB and Guangdong Travel Trade join forces to bring 10,000 Mainland Visitors to Hong Kong.
- 55. HKTB Forecasts Visitor Arrivals During CNY Period
HKTB Forecasts Visitor Arrivals During CNY Period. The Hong Kong Tourism Board projects that the total visitor arrivals during the Chinese New Year Golden Week will increase by approximately 10% over that of the equivalent period in 2009.
- 56. HKTB to Stage 10-Day Hong Kong Food and Wine Year Spotlight Events
HKTB to Stage 10-Day Hong Kong Food and Wine Year Spotlight Events . The 10-day celebration will present Hong Kong’s delectable gastronomic experience to visitors and local residents. Featuring fine wine, food and entertainment, the events will comprise four key elements: the first-ever large-scale outdoor wine and dine event in Hong Kong, street carnivals organised by major food d
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