Search Results Your search for HKTB found the following documents (of 52086 documents searched): Displaying documents 137-144 of 1507, with best matches first:
- 137. Hong Kong Welcomes Relaxation of CDC Travel Advisory to Hong Kong
Hong Kong Welcomes Relaxation of CDC Travel Advisory to Hong Kong.
- 138. Hong Kong Visitor Arrivals from Mainland China up 9.5% during National Day Golden Week Holidays
Hong Kong Visitor Arrivals from Mainland China up 9.5% during National Day Golden Week Holidays. Hong Kong visitor arrivals from Mainland China during this year’s National Day Golden Week holidays (29 September to 5 October) reached 481,987, an impressive 9.5% more than that of the equivalent period (1-7 October) last year. Out of the total Mainland arrivals during the Golden Week,
- 139. 2008 Olympics a Golden Opportunity for Hong Kong Retail Industry
2008 Olympics a Golden Opportunity for Hong Kong Retail Industry. The Hon James Tien, Chairman of the Hong Kong Tourism Board, told the Hong Kong retail industry on Friday that he envisaged great opportunities arising from the 2008 Beijing Olympics, but also emphasised the challenges that lie ahead. Mr Tien urged the industry – an inextricable segment of tourism – to seize every o
- 140. Hong Kong's provisional March 2003 visitor arrivals data shows difficult times ahead
Hong Kong's provisional March 2003 visitor arrivals data shows difficult times ahead.
- 141. Extended Pyrotechnic Display for Hong Kong’s New Year Countdown Celebrations
Extended Pyrotechnic Display for Hong Kong’s New Year Countdown Celebrations. The actual countdown will commence one minute before midnight on 31 December 2008, with gigantic numerical countdown display in LED lights, together with pyrotechnic effects, to be shown on the facade of Two ifc facing the harbour. When the countdown reaches “0”, a five-minute choreographed musical pyrote
- 142. 10-Storey-Tall Christmas Tree to be Erected in Central, Hong Kong
10-Storey-Tall Christmas Tree to be Erected in Central, Hong Kong. A 10-storey-tall traditionally designed Christmas tree will be erected in Statue Square in Central, Hong Kong, and lit up every day during the Hong Kong WinterFest period. Together with the neighbourhood’s glittering decorations, the Christmas tree will make Central an even more dazzling landmark this winter.
- 143. Hong Kong Visitor Arrivals - April 2004
Hong Kong Visitor Arrivals - April 2004.
- 144. Hong Kong ready to host 88th Lions Club International Convention
Hong Kong ready to host 88th Lions Club International Convention.
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