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Your search for AAPA found the following documents (of 52086 documents searched):
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73. AAPA Reports January 2013 Traffic
Collectively, airlines based in the Asia Pacific region carried a total of 17.5 million international passengers in January 2013, almost matching numbers achieved in the same month last year. International passenger traffic, measured in revenue passenger kilometre (RPK) terms, grew marginally, by 0.5%. Coupled with a 1.0% increase in available seat capacity, the average internation
74. Asia Pacific Airlines Carried 21.9 Million Int. Passengers in October 2014; 6.9% More Than Octob
Preliminary traffic figures from the Association of Asia Pacific Airlines (AAPA) for the month of October 2014 show continued growth in both international passenger numbers and air cargo demand. In aggregate, Asia Pacific airlines carried a total of 21.9 million international passengers in October, 6.9% more than the same month last year, with positive economic conditions in the re
75. AAPA Reports Full Year 2012 Traffic Results for Asia Pacific Airlines
Asia Pacific airlines carried a total of 207 million international passengers in 2012, 7.0% more than in the previous year, underpinned by an improvement in business markets and sustained leisure travel demand. International passenger traffic, measured in revenue passenger kilometre (RPK) terms, increased by 5.8%, indicating the relative strength of demand on regional short haul ro
76. Asia Pacific Airlines Profitability Fell in 2011
Preliminary financial performance figures compiled by the Association of Asia Pacific Airlines (AAPA) showed that Asia Pacific-based carriers in aggregate recorded US$4.8 billion in net profits in 2011, 47% lower than the record US$9.0 billion achieved in the previous year. The surge in oil prices, and a weak cargo market, contributed to the fall in earnings.
77. AAPA Statement on New US Security Measures
The US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has modified the aviation security measures in place for all international flights operating into the United States. The new security measures will affect 105 countries, 280 airports, 180 airlines, 2100 daily flights and an average of 325,000 daily passengers.
78. AAPA Targets Constraints to Industry Growth
The dramatic shift of economic power and influence towards Asia in recent years is rapidly propelling the region’s airlines to the forefront of the global air transport industry. Already commercially successful in a highly competitive environment, Asian carriers are seeking a realignment of the global regulatory framework, with a level of influence commensurate with the Asia Pacifi
79. Aviation Industry Needs Political Support in Combating Emissions
Aviation Industry Needs Political Support in Combating Emissions. The Association of Asia Pacific Airlines (AAPA) has expressed its full support for industry targets to deliver an improvement in CO2 emissions efficiency of 1.5% each year to 2020; carbon neutral growth from 2020; and a halving of net emissions by 2050.
80. ASEAN to Sign Major Air Transport Agreement with EU
The Association of Asia Pacific Airlines (AAPA) has welcomed the conclusion of negotiations on the comprehensive air transport agreement between the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and the European Union (EU) on 4 June 2021. Published by on 8 June 2021.

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