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Search Travel News Asia for: "World Travel"

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Your search for World Travel found the following documents (of 52086 documents searched):
Displaying documents 57-64 of 1792, with best matches first:

57. British Airways to Launch Daily Airbus A380 Flights Between Singapore and London
British Airways is celebrating the launch of daily Airbus A380 flights between Singapore and London from 20 November 2015 with a promotion. From S$1,257 in World Travel economy class and S$2,316 in World Travel Plus premium economy, passengers from Singapore will be able to fly in ‘one of the quietest cabins in the sky’ to London every day.
58. PATA to join travel summit at World Travel Mart (WTM) 2002
PATA to join travel summit at World Travel Mart (WTM) 2002
59. Turbulent Times for Russian Travel Market
In 2013 Russia’s foreign travel market reported booming sales, whereas this year the travel market has lost. The devaluation of the rouble has led to foreign travel costing around 20% more. In spite of this Russian citizens remain keen to travel. These are the findings of the annual ITB World Travel Trends Report, conducted by IPK International and commissioned by ITB Berlin. The f
60. 183 New Exhibitors @ WTM 2011
There are 183 new exhibitors at this year's World Travel Market (WTM) which gets underway in London today. National tourist boards, destination management companies, technology companies, ground handlers, lodge owners and tour operators are all hosting their own stands for the first time from 7 to 10 November at ExCeL - London.
61. Travel To and From Europe to Contract Slightly in 2009
Travel To and From Europe to Contract Slightly in 2009. These are the initial findings and predictions from the ITB World Travel Trends Report 2009, which will be presented during the world’s leading annual travel show, ITB Berlin, on 11 March during the Future Day of the ITB Convention, and will be published before the end of the same month.
62. Brazil Continues to Drive Growth in the Americas
In terms of outbound travel South Americans are ahead of everyone else in the Americas. In 2012, they undertook 12% more trips abroad than last year, marking a new record. The country clearly driving growth is Brazil. This is one of the findings of the ITB World Travel Trends Report, compiled by IPK International and commissioned by ITB Berlin. Outbound travel from the US this year
63. Emerging Asian Markets Continue to Lead World Tourism Growth
Emerging Asian Markets Continue to Lead World Tourism Growth. The forecasts, based on the Asian Travel Monitor, part of IPK International’s World Travel Monitor – as well as on interim inbound arrivals data gathered by the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) and the European Travel Commission (ETC) – show that Asia Pacific continues to be the fastest growing inbound and outbound tou
64. Asia Remains Driving Force Behind Global Tourism
Asia continues to be the driving force in global tourism. According to the latest ITB World Travel Trends Report, this year the number of outbound trips from Asia rose by 7%, due in part to rising wages. The most frequent travellers came from China and Japan, both countries reporting double-digit growth in outbound travel.

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