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Search Travel News Asia for: "Miss International Queen"

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Your search for Miss International Queen found the following documents (of 52086 documents searched):
Displaying documents 89-96 of 1265, with best matches first:

89. Vietnam Airlines to Transport Passengers from Europe to Vietnam
After initially announcing that it would suspend flights between Europe and Vietnam, Vietnam Airlines has since said that starting from 15 March 2020, the airline will carry passengers meeting all immigration and health requirements back to Vietnam on flights departing from London, Paris, and Frankfurt.
90. Hong Kong Airport Handled 1.9m Pax and 18,005 Flight Movements in February 2020
Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA) handled 1.9 million passengers and 18,005 flight movements in February 2020, representing year-on-year decreases of 68% and 44.5%, respectively. Cargo throughput dropped 8.9% compared to the same month last year, to 251,000 tonnes.
91. American Airlines Suspends All Remaining Flights to Asia; Makes Other Changes
American Airlines today starts a phased suspension of additional long-haul international flights from the U.S.. The airline will reduce international capacity by 75% year-on-year from 16 March and until 6 May 2020, at the earliest.
92. European Commission Needs to Suspend 80-20 Airport Slots Rule Until October
The European Commission (EC) has granted a temporary suspension of the 80-20 “use it or lose it” rule for airport slots until June 2020. While the decision reflects the unprecedented situation facing the airline industry, IATA has said that
93. Etihad Airways Suspends More Flights
Due to the ongoing fight against the COVID19 outbreak and its impact on air travel services globally, Etihad Airways has made the following changes to its flight schedule: Bangkok (BKK) reduced from triple-daily to double-daily (suspension of EY406/405) from 21 March to 2 May.
94. Hong Kong Welcomed Just 199,000 Visitor Arrivals in February 2020
The Hong Kong Tourism Board (HKTB) has reported that the city welcomed 199,000 visitor arrivals in February, down more than 96% from the same month last year. Prior to the major border closure measure implemented by the government on 8 February, there were 10,000 to 20,000 arrivals per day. After 8 February, the average daily arrivals fell to 3,300, about 80% of whom were non-Mainl
95. Thai Airways Updates Flexible Fare Rules on Tickets Booked in UK and Ireland
Thai Airways has amended its Flexible Fare Rules policy to include all new and existing bookings for departures from the UK and Ireland to any Thai Airways or Thai Smile worldwide destination.
96. Cathay Pacific Reports February Traffic; Will Reduce Capacity by 90%
Cathay Pacific and Cathay Dragon carried a combined total of 1,008,644 passengers in February 2020, or 4,735,301,000 RPKs (revenue passenger kilometres), a decrease of 54.1% when compared to February 2019.

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