Search Results Your search for Czech Republic found the following documents (of 52086 documents searched): Displaying documents 1-8 of 322, with best matches first:
- 1. Singapore signs Open Skies Agreement with Czech Republic
Singapore signs Open Skies Agreement with Czech Republic. Under the OSA, Singapore carriers may operate any number of flights between Singapore and points in the Czech Republic, as well as beyond the Czech Republic to any other city in the world. Similarly, carriers from the Czech Republic will be able to operate any number of flights to and beyond Singapore.
- 2. VFS Global Opens Visa Application Centre for Czech Republic in Bahrain
VFS Global has opened a Visa Application Centre for the Embassy of the Czech Republic in the Kingdom of Bahrain. Applicants for visas to the Czech Republic can now visit the centrally-located VFS Global centre to submit visa applications and enroll for biometrics. The centre is located at 18th Floor, Diplomatic Commercial Tower, Diplomatic Area, Manama, Bahrain.
- 3. Kempinski Signs Hotels in Russia, Czech Republic, and Armenia
Kempinski Signs Hotels in Russia, Czech Republic, and Armenia. Kempinski has signed management agreements for three hotels, in Ekaterinburg (Russia), Marienbad (Czech Republic) and Yerevan (Armenia). With a population of over 1.2 million, Ekaterinburg is the fourth largest city in Russia, and known as a regional industrial, scientific and cultural centre. Marienbad is known as a fa
- 4. American Tourism Society Chooses Czech Republic for October Conference
The American Tourism Society (ATS) will hold its Annual Fall 2011 Conference in the Czech Republic spa town of Luhacovice, on 23-27 October 2011. The conference will be followed by a product development tour to Moravia and Slovakia from 27-30 October.
- 5. Dubai conducts roadshows in the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland
Dubai conducts roadshows in the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland.
- 6. Emirates to Launch Daily Prague Flight
Emirates to Launch Daily Prague Flight. Emirates has confirmed it is to launch a daily flight to Prague from 1 July 2010. The service to the Czech Republic's capital city is the 3rd new route to be announced by the Dubai-based airline for 2010. Services to Tokyo begin 28 March and Amsterdam comes on stream from 1 May.
- 7. ABS Jets to Use Beacon as Dedicated Maintenance Coordination Platform
ABS Jets, an executive operator and maintenance organization based in the Czech Republic, has signed an agreement to use Beacon as its dedicated maintenance coordination platform. ABS ran the first maintenance case on 1 April and expects to run over 50 maintenance cases per year, reducing out-of-service time by 20%. Published by on 3 June 2021.
- 8. Qatar Airways Launches Daily Prague Flights
Qatar Airways has launched flights between Doha and Václav Havel Airport Prague in the Czech Republic. Qatar Airways will operate its daily Prague service with an Airbus A320 aircraft, which features 12 seats in Business Class and 120 seats in Economy Class.
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