Search Results Your search for Air Cargo found the following documents (of 52086 documents searched): Displaying documents 113-120 of 5467, with best matches first:
- 113. Asia Pacific Airlines Carried 25.2 Million Int. Passengers in September 2017
Preliminary traffic figures from the Association of Asia Pacific Airlines (AAPA) for the month of September show international air passenger demand expanded at a healthy pace, whilst international air cargo markets continued to enjoy double-digit growth in traffic volumes.
- 114. Asia Pacific Airlines Carried 30.4m Int. Pax in May 2019; Cargo FTK Down 6.5%
Preliminary traffic figures from the Association of Asia Pacific Airlines (AAPA) for the month of May 2019 show moderate growth in international air passenger markets, with sustained regional economic expansion supporting business and leisure travel markets. However, air cargo demand fell further, as export activity continued to slow in the face of challenging business conditions.
- 115. Asia Pacific Airlines Carried 23.5 Million Int. Passengers in September 2016
Preliminary traffic figures from the Association of Asia Pacific Airlines (AAPA) for the month of September show steady growth in international air passenger demand and a further uptick in air cargo markets. Collectively, the region's airlines carried 23.5 million international passengers in September, representing a 7.0% increase compared to the same month last year.
- 116. Asia Pacific Airlines Carried 25.9 Million International Passengers in August 2016
Preliminary traffic figures from the Association of Asia Pacific Airlines (AAPA) for the month of August 2016 show a moderation in both international air passenger demand and air cargo markets. The region's airlines carried a total of 25.9 million international passengers in August, 4.1% more than the same month last year.
- 117. AAPA Reports Asia Pacific Airlines Traffic Results for November 2013
Preliminary traffic figures from the Association of Asia Pacific Airlines (AAPA) for the month of November 2013 show growth in both international passenger numbers and air cargo traffic. The region's carriers registered a 6.7% increase in international passenger numbers to a combined total of 18.2 million in November, with continued regional economic confidence supporting both busi
- 118. Air Cargo Demand Down 3.3% in January 2020
IATA's global air freight data shows that demand, when measured in cargo tonne kilometers (CTKs), decreased by 3.3% in January 2020, compared to the same period in 2019. Cargo capacity, measured in available cargo tonne kilometers (ACTKs), rose by 0.9% year-on-year in January 2020. Capacity growth has now outstripped demand growth for 21 consecutive months.
- 119. Robust Growth in International Air Passenger Demand
Preliminary traffic figures from the Association of Asia Pacific Airlines (AAPA) for the month of November 2015 show robust growth in international air passenger demand, while air cargo markets remained weak. A combined total of 22.5 million international passengers were carried by the region's airlines in November, reflecting a 6.7% increase compared to the same month last year.
- 120. Air Cargo: FTKs Up 6.9% in January 2017
IATA's global air freight market data shows that demand, measured in freight tonne kilometers (FTKs), rose 6.9% in January 2017 compared to the same month last year. While this was down from the 10% annual growth recorded in December 2016 it still was well above the average annual growth rate of 3% over the past five years.
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