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Search Travel News Asia for: Atlantic

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Your search for Atlantic found the following documents (of 52086 documents searched):
Displaying documents 81-88 of 6687, with best matches first:

81. Virgin Atlantic to offer Flights to Dubai and Jamaica
Virgin Atlantic to offer Flights to Dubai and Jamaica.
82. Virgin Atlantic Partners SITA to Test Wearable Technology
Virgin Atlantic passengers will be the first air travelers to experience the benefits of pioneering Google Glass and Sony Smartwatch technology as they arrive at London Heathrow airport, in an innovative pilot scheme which started on Tuesday. Concierge staff in the airline’s Upper Class Wing will be using the wearable technology to deliver even more personalized customer service.
83. Virgin Atlantic prepares for launch of London - Hong Kong - Sydney flights
Virgin Atlantic prepares for launch of London - Hong Kong - Sydney flights.
84. NASA’s Kennedy Space Center confirmed as launch site for Virgin Atlantic GlobalFlyer 'Ultimate F
NASA’s Kennedy Space Center confirmed as launch site for Virgin Atlantic GlobalFlyer 'Ultimate Flight' Record Attempt.
85. Delta Air Lines Unveils Details of Virgin Atlantic Partnership
Delta Air Lines and Virgin Atlantic have outlined details of a codeshare agreement across 108 routes that offers customers seamless connections to 66 destinations across North America and the U.K.. The codeshare announcement coincides with Delta acquiring a 49% stake in Sir Richard Branson's airline - marking the next step towards a full joint venture between the two carriers. Virg
86. Virgin Atlantic Pilots offered chance to become Astronauts
Virgin Atlantic Pilots offered chance to become Astronauts.
87. Virgin Atlantic Airways offers multiple options from Australia to London
Virgin Atlantic Airways offers multiple options from Australia to London
88. Virgin Atlantic celebrates four hundrendth Wings Ceremony
Virgin Atlantic celebrates four hundrendth Wings Ceremony

Documents 81-88 of 6687 displayed.

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