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Search Travel News Asia for: Alice

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Your search for Alice found the following documents (of 52086 documents searched):
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73. ADAC Luftrettung Flies Airbus H145 Using SAF for First Time
ADAC Luftrettung, a German non-profit organization, has flown an Airbus H145 rescue helicopter powered by sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) for the first time. The H145 was using a second-generation biofuel which reduces CO2 emissions up to 90% compared to its fossil equivalent, because it is produced from residual and waste materials from the circular economy such as used cooking oi
74. Aviation Horizon Partners Air One for Launch of B737-400SF Cargo Services
Aviation Horizon has signed a global cargo GSA contract with Air One Aviation to support its launch venture into the all-cargo market for regional 737 freighter services. The Saudi-based private jet operator has taken delivery of its first Boeing 737-400SF conversion and two more are due to join its fleet in the next three months. Published by on 7 June 2021.
75. Rolls-Royce Starts Testing New Hybrid-Electric Propulsion System
Rolls-Royce has started testing the first elements one of the most powerful hybrid-electric aero power and propulsion systems in aerospace. The tests are part of the 2.5 megawatt (MW) Power Generation System 1 (PGS1) demonstrator programme, for future regional aircraft. Published by on 7 June 2021.
76. Qantas to Sponsor Sustainable Tourism Seminars in Australia
Qantas to Sponsor Sustainable Tourism Seminars in Australia. Qantas is to host a series of tourism industry seminars around Australia as part of its commitment to sustainable tourism in 2009.
77. Tiger Airways celebrates Melbourne T4 opening with Special Fares
Tiger Airways celebrates Melbourne T4 opening with Special Fares. Although more basic than Melbourne Airport’s existing terminals, Terminal Four will be equipped with retail and convenience facilities to cater to passengers’ requirements. The uncluttered structure will bring travel back to the basics by paring down unnecessary frills such as business lounges and aerobridges to keep
78. Jetstar and Tourism Australia Promote Darwin, NT
Jetstar and Tourism Australia Promote Darwin, NT. Starting from Sin$148 for the Singapore to Darwin fare (one way), Jetstar International also offers connecting fares from Malaysia, Hong Kong, Haikou and Bangkok, at separate bookable fares. The airline operates non-stop flights to Darwin twice daily from Singapore.
79. Oz-Bus Expands London to Sydney Programme
Oz-Bus Expands London to Sydney Programme. The 92-day London to Sydney bus trips depart eight times per year and cost £4399 per person including all transportation, tour leaders, roofed accommodation every night until Australia (after which organised camping is provided) and breakfast daily. Sydney to London trips are also now available, along with the 46-day London to Kathmandu an
80. Jayride Appoints Simon Carson as Chief Commercial Officer
Simon Carson has joined Jayride as its first Chief Commercial Officer. Simon will be responsible for streamlining operations and helping to profitably scale the fast-growing business while giving company founder and Managing Director, Rod Bishop, more time to focus on strategic growth initiatives.

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