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Your search for SITA found the following documents (of 52086 documents searched):
Displaying documents 329-336 of 13361, with best matches first:

329. Orlando Int. Airport to Implement Biometric Exit Checks Across Whole Airport
Orlando International is the first U.S. airport to fully deploy the U.S. Customs & Border Protection (CBP) Biometric Entry and Exit Program. Over the coming months, SITA will integrate Smart Path, its sophisticated biometric technology, at the airport’s 30 international boarding gates.
330. Vienna Int. Airport Installs Self-Boarding Gates
Passengers flying with any airline from Vienna International Airport can now enjoy faster and more efficient boarding as the world’s first common-use self-boarding gates go into operation there. The gates, provided by air transport IT specialist SITA, are being installed throughout Vienna’s terminals, including the new terminal Skylink, which will open mid-2012.
331. 20.3% Improvement in Baggage Handling Saves Airlines US$650 million
Any mishandled bag – checked baggage that has been delayed, damaged, pilfered, lost or stolen – is a concern for both passengers and airlines but significant improvements have been made by the industry in recent years. SITA’s report shows that the mishandled rate has more than halved since 2007, down 52.4% from 18.88 bags per thousand passengers in 2007 to 8.99 bags per thousand la
332. Near Field Communication to Make Air Travel Smoother
SITA has taken the air transport industry a step closer to introducing near field communication (NFC) technology with the unveiling of the first proof-of-concept which uses the NFC chip inside smartphones. This SIM-based proof-of-concept demonstrates how passengers’ journeys through the airport can become much smoother as they use their NFC-enabled phone to simply tap and check-in
333. Major IT improvements planned for Muscat International Airport
Major IT improvements planned for Muscat International Airport. Oman Aviation Services (OAS), the parent company of Oman Air, is to invest $4.2 million over four years in major IT improvements at Muscat International Airport, following 22% growth in passengers travelling on the national airline last year. The investment programme agreed with SITA, an aviation IT specialist, will co
334. China’s Airlines and Airports Investing in Chatbots, Biometrics and Blockchain
Airlines and airports in China are embracing artificial intelligence and automation to provide the self-service experience that many passengers are demanding. According to the SITA 2019 China IT Insights report, China’s airlines and airports are using these technologies to expand mobile services and automating the journey with self-service every step of the way.
335. Brazil Upgrades Air Traffic Technology for World Cup and Olympics
In the run up to the FIFA World Cup this year, and the Olympics in 2016, SITA is working with the Comissão de Implantação do Sistema de Controle do Espaço Aéreo (CISCEA) in its drive to upgrade Brazil’s air traffic management technology. CISCEA is the body responsible for developing and implementing new technologies for DECEA, the Brazilian Air Navigation Service Provider.
336. Airlines and Airports Spend Record US$50 Billion Improving Travel Experience
Airlines and airports spent a record US$50 billion in 2018 on IT to support improvements to the passenger journey and are now beginning to enjoy the benefit of that investment. The SITA 2019 Air Transport IT Insights report shows that 60% of airline CIOs recorded up to a 20% year-on-year improvement in passenger satisfaction.

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