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Search Travel News Asia for: "North Wales"

Search Results
Your search for North Wales found the following documents (of 52086 documents searched):
Displaying documents 257-264 of 404, with best matches first:

257. APG Airlines Joins IATA and Receives IOSA Certification
APG Airlines has become a member of IATA and is also now registered as an IOSA (IATA Operational Safety Audit) operator. The French airline operates scheduled flights between Toulouse and Lorient several times a week with an 8-seat Beechcraft 350 aircraft.
258. United Airlines Cuts International Flights by 85%
United Airlines has announced that due to the continued drop in travel demand as a result of the COVID19 outbreak and government mandates or restrictions in place prohibiting travel, the airline has cut its U.S. and Canada schedule in April by 42% and its international flights by 85%.
259. Banyan Tree Finds Treasure in Myanmar
Banyan Tree has signed a joint venture agreement with Myanmar Treasure Hotel & Resort Group (better known as Htoo Hospitality). Launched in 2002 and built upon authentic Burmese culture and traditions, Htoo Hospitality owns and manages a collection of 15 hotels located across 8 states and 11 destinations in Myanmar.
260. Thai Airways Appoints Chakkrit Parapuntakul as Acting President
Thai Airways has appointed Mr. Chakkrit Parapuntakul, currently Deputy Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Finance as well as Thai Airways' Second Vice Chairman, as Acting President, effective 23 March 2020. As Acting President of Thai Airways Khun Chakkrit will oversee the implementation of the company’s reform plans and establish measures to help tackle the immense and unprece
261. United Airlines to Make Significant Capacity Reductions; Park Over Half of Fleet
United Airlines has said that it will continue to make significant capacity reductions as demand for air travel continues to plummet. United's international operations will take the largest hit, with over 80 percent of flying to be reduced over the next two to three months.
262. Airlines Disappointed with EC Guidelines on EU261
IATA and Airlines for Europe (A4E) have reacted with dismay to the European Commission’s new guidelines on the application of the EU261 passenger rights regime, saying they are disappointing and unhelpful, falling far short of the simple and temporary alleviation airlines had requested:
263. Air Canada to Reduce International Network from 101 Airports to 6
Air Canada is gradually suspending the majority of its international and U.S. transborder flights by 31 March 2020, in response to decisions by national governments, including Canada and the United States, to close borders and restrict commercial aviation as a result of the COVID19 outbreak.
264. Smiths Detection Launches UVC Light Kits for Airport Security Checkpoints
Smiths Detection has launched ultraviolet (UVC) light kits that the company says are capable of destroying up to 99.9%of microorganisms present on baggage trays at security checkpoints.

Documents 257-264 of 404 displayed.

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