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Your search for People found the following documents (of 52086 documents searched):
Displaying documents 225-232 of 8038, with best matches first:

225. Radisson Plaza Panwa Beach launches Trade Promotion
Radisson Plaza Resort Phuket Panwa Beach launches Trade Promotion. The Radisson Plaza Resort on Panwa Beach in Phuket has launched a special rate exclusively available to people working within the travel industry.
226. Volcanic Ash / Flight Delays - Updates
Live Updates on Volcanic Ash / Flight Delays - Updates. The volcanic ash plume that has been blown over much of northern Europe from Iceland, has caused hardship to millions, if not billions, of people around the world. Whether they are stranded at an airport trying to get home, awaiting clients that are now highly unlikely to show or trying to import / export goods from overseas,
227. KEE Private Members Club to open in Shanghai
KEE Private Members Club to open in Shanghai. Hong Kong’s KEE private members club founded in 2001 by Maria and Christian Rhomberg, is to open its first overseas club in Mainland China. KEE Shanghai opens this October in Shanghai at the city’s prestigious new heritage site Twin Villas, on 796 Huai Hai Road. KEE is a private members’ club set in an intimate environment, for people w
228. Whale Shark Swim Tours in Western Australia
Western Australia is preparing for another huge whale shark season, following sightings of the world’s largest fish near Exmouth in the State’s Coral Coast region. More than 19,300 people visited World Heritage listed Ningaloo Reef in 2014 to get up close with the gentle giants of the sea, who migrate to Western Australian shores between March and August each year to feed on plankt
229. Accor Celebrates 20 Years in Australia with Promotion
Accor Celebrates 20 Years in Australia with Promotion. One of Australia’s largest hotel groups, Accor, is celebrating 20 years in Australia with a 20% room discount and prizes for sharing 20 years of memories. Accor has set up a website which features a video of people sharing their happiest, saddest and most life changing moments over the past 20 years from the comfort of an Accor
230. Holiday Inn Relaunches 1,000th Hotel
Holiday Inn Express in Times Square Opens as Part of Brand Relaunch. 26 million people a year visit Times Square and the 210-room Holiday Inn Express New York City Times Square is surrounded by New York City’s biggest tourist attractions including Broadway, the Rockefeller Center and the Empire State Building. The hotel is located at 343 West 39th Street between 8th and 9th Avenues
231. Phuket Emergency Contact Numbers for Tsunami Disaster
Phuket Emergency Contact Numbers for Tsunami Disaster. Numbers to call for those concerned about people in Phuket
232. New US Passports should Boost US Traveller Numbers in Asia Pacific
New US Passports should Boost US Traveller Numbers in Asia Pacific. As US citizens now need a passport when returning to the US from neighbouring destinations more and more people in the US are applying for passports. In the past US citizens simply needed to present their driver’s licenses to pass immigration. With their new passports in hand, US travellers are now more likely than

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