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Search Travel News Asia for: "Star Alliance"

Search Results
Your search for Star Alliance found the following documents (of 52086 documents searched):
Displaying documents 225-232 of 5750, with best matches first:

225. Jetstar Enhances Mobile Options
Jetstar Enhances Mobile Options. In the next stage of the technology roll-out all Jetstar customers in Singapore, Japan, Australia and New Zealand have the convenience of being able to purchase a fare or change their booking no matter where they are, by accessing from either an iPhone or regular internet enabled mobile handset.
226. Jazeera Airways to Increase Flights between Kuwait and Jeddah
Jazeera Airways to Increase Flights between Kuwait and Jeddah. Jazeera Airways is adding two additional weekly flights between Kuwait and Jeddah to its schedule. From 16th September 2009, passengers can fly Jazeera to Saudi Arabia’s second city five days a week, on Monday to Thursday, and Saturday.
227. Marco Polo Hotels signs Hotel Representation Australia
Marco Polo Hotels signs Hotel Representation Australia. Hotel Representation Australia (HRA) has signed Hong Kong-based Marco Polo Hotels group, a dynamic company which currently consists of a total of nine hotels in Hong Kong, China and the Philippines.
228. Macau Targets Malaysians with Bus Tour
Macau Targets Malaysians with Bus Tour. The Macau Government Tourist Office (MGTO) last week launched an innovative 'Experience Macau Bus Tour' marketing campaign in Malaysia. The colorful Experience Macau Bus has embarked on a tour around major cities and towns throughout Malaysia for a period of one month.
229. Travel Motives Selects Tourism Portfolio
Travel Motives Selects Tourism Portfolio. Conference industry sales representative Tourism Portfolio has expanded into Africa with its appointment by destination management company Travel Motives DMC South Africa.
230. Early Bird Rates on Blue Lagoon Cruises Historical & Cultural Dateline Cruises
Early Bird Rates on Blue Lagoon Cruises Historical & Cultural Dateline Cruises. Operated to the boutique cruise company’s highly regarded ‘Gold Club’ standard, the seven-day itinerary includes Kioa Island, home to some 300 Polynesian Elice Islanders who migrated into the region in the 1940’s. The cruise will also visit the 4,000 Micronesian Banabans who have inhabited Rabi Island s
231. General Manager Appointments at Mandarin Oriental
General Manager Appointments at Mandarin Oriental. Mr. Jonas Schuermann has been appointed General Manager of the Mandarin Oriental, Hong Kong. Mr Pierre Barthes succeeds Jonas Schuermann as General Manager of the Mandarin Oriental, Kuala Lumpur.
232. Porsche 911 GT3 Carrera Cup Race Car Beats Boeing 747 at Changi
Porsche 911 GT3 Carrera Cup Race Car Beats Boeing 747 at Changi. On Saturday (5 September), a Porsche 911 GT3 Carrera Cup car was crowned the speed king of Changi Airport’s tarmac. In a close finish to the Changi Airport Race, the Porsche crossed the finishing line split seconds ahead of a Jett8 Airlines Boeing 747, despite starting slower.

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