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Search Travel News Asia for: "President Solitaire"

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Your search for President Solitaire found the following documents (of 52086 documents searched):
Displaying documents 193-200 of 205, with best matches first:

193. Webjet Appoints Travelport as Zuji’s Global Distribution Partner
Webjet has appointed Travelport as Zuji’s global distribution partner. Webjet, who has a long term partnership with Travelport, has already begun the migration of Zuji onto its GDS platform.
194. BA Issues Statement in Response to CAA’s Q6 Price Proposals
In response to the Civil Aviation Authority’s (CAA) initial price proposals for London airports, Willie Walsh, chief executive of IAG, British Airways’ parent company, said, Heathrow airport is over-priced, over-rewarded and inefficient and these proposals, which will result in an increase in prices, fail to address this situation.
195. Tour de Picardie 2013 to Take Place 10, 11 and 12 May
This is exactly what the Tour of Picardy has to offer. With a small climb to spice up the section at Flixecourt, a gentle curve at Bailleul-sur-Thérain and after a long straight line at Soissons, the three finishes will be judged after a final loop circuit which is bound to be lively.
196. Rosewood Opens its First Hotel in UAE
Rosewood Abu Dhabi, the first Rosewood hotel in the UAE, opens today (1 May 2013). The 189-room hotel is located at the core of the new Central Business District (CBD) between the Sowwah Square development and Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi. The Galleria, a new retail and dining destination with direct access to the hotel, is set to open on the Island in August. Downtown Abu Dhabi, lei
197. Nepal Airlines Signs MOU for Two Airbus Aircraft
Nepal Airlines Corporation (NAC) has signed a Memorandum of Understanding to buy two Airbus A320 aircraft equipped with Sharklet fuel saving wing tip devices. The A320 is fully equipped to benefit from Required Navigation Performance (RNP) allowing the aircraft to fly precisely along predefined routes using state-of-the-art onboard navigation systems. This is particularly useful fo
198. Etihad Airways Launches LinkedIn Mapping Tool
Etihad Airways has launched an innovative online mapping tool developed in cooperation with LinkedIn, to make it easier to message new contacts, arrange meetings and be more productive while travelling. The Etihad Mapped-Out tool is available at and offers professionals on LinkedIn the ability to search their connections by geographical location and see them dis
199. Tune Hotel in Edinburgh Wins New Hotel of the Year Award
The four-month old Tune Hotel Haymarket, Edinburgh, has been named the New Hotel of the Year in Scotland by the Scottish Hotel Awards 2013. Tune Hotel Haymarket in Edinburgh, Scotland is the first of its UK hotels to be located outside London, where the group has four hotels located at Westminster, Liverpool Street, Kings Cross and Paddington.
200. Steiner Leisure Forms Spa Consulting Division
Steiner Leisure has formed a spa consulting division, Steiner Spa Consulting (SSC), which will be jointly headed by Jeff Matthews and Bruce Pine. SSC will have a global team of 40 full-time experts across business, education and spa operations drawing from its expertise in developing and managing over 200 award-winning and successful spas.

Documents 193-200 of 205 displayed.

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