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Search Travel News Asia for: %Qatar Airways"

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Your search for %Qatar, Airways found the following documents (of 52086 documents searched):
Displaying documents 169-176 of 42257, with best matches first:

169. Qatar Airways to Launch Flights to Faisalabad, Multan and Sialkot in Pakistan
Beginning 16 July 2015, Qatar Airways will begin four weekly passenger services to Sialkot where it already operates dedicated freighter services three times a week. Sialkot is the airline’s first new passenger route to Pakistan since 2004. A day later, on 17 July 2015, Qatar Airways will add Faisalabad to its Pakistan network with three flights a week, and from 1 August 2015, Qata
170. Qatar Airways Launches Themed Stopover Packages
Qatar Airways, in partnership with Discover Qatar, has launched a collection of stopover packages designed to encourage vaccinated travellers to spend up to 4 nights in Doha, Qatar. With packages starting from US$14 per person per night, travellers can stay in a selection of luxurious 4 and 5-star hotels whilst enjoying all that the city has to offer. Published by
171. Qatar Airways to Increase Melbourne Capacity with Airbus A380
Qatar Airways has unveiled plans to introduce Airbus A380 aircraft on its flights between Doha and Melbourne, Australia from 30 June 2017. The 517-seater A380 aircraft will increase Qatar Airways’ current daily capacity by 44%.
172. Qatar Airways to Launch Sofia Flights; Increase Frequency to Zagreb and Ankara
Qatar Airways will launch direct flights between Doha and Sofia in Bulgaria in March. Sofia is currently served by Qatar Airways via Bucharest. The airline will also increase the frequency of flights between Doha and Ankara which will be served by a six weekly flight connection instead of five from 1 March, while capacity will increase to Zagreb with an additional direct flight per
173. Qatar Airways Increases Sydney Capacity by 44% with Airbus A380
Qatar Airways has launched Airbus A380 flights to Sydney, the airlines’ first destination in Australia to be served by the super-jumbo. The 517-seater A380 aircraft increases Qatar Airways’ current daily capacity by 44% over the Boeing 777-300 aircraft which launched the route on 1 March 2016.
174. Qatar Airways and Thai Airways International sign codeshare agreement
Qatar Airways and Thai Airways International sign codeshare agreement.
175. Qatar Airways Extends Commitment to Combatting Illegal Wildlife Trade
Qatar Airways has extended its participation in the USAID ROUTES (Reducing Opportunities for Unlawful Transport of Endangered Species) Partnership, reinforcing its commitment to combat illegal trafficking of wildlife and its products. Qatar Airways, a founding member of the United for Wildlife Transport Taskforce, signed the historic Buckingham Palace Declaration in 2016 aimed at t
176. Qatar Airways Launches Daily Flights to Pisa, Italy
Qatar Airways has launched flights between Doha and the Italian city of Pisa. Pisa is the fourth city in Italy to be served by Qatar Airways, which has been flying to Milan since 2002, to Rome since 2003, and to Venice since 2011. The airline already offers five daily frequencies to Italy: two to Milan and Rome and one to Venice. The new daily flight to Pisa will increase the airli

Documents 169-176 of 42257 displayed.

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