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Search Travel News Asia for: "China Airlines"

Search Results
Your search for China Airlines found the following documents (of 52086 documents searched):
Displaying documents 89-96 of 3991, with best matches first:

89. China Airlines announces Airbus A330 acquisition
China Airlines announces Airbus A330 acquisition
90. China Airlines to Replace Boeing 747Fs with 777Fs
China Airlines has unveiled plans to order up to six Boeing 777 Freighters to modernize its cargo fleet. The 777 Freighter is capable of flying 4,970 nautical miles (9,200 km) with a maximum payload of 102,010 kg (224,900 lbs).
91. China Airlines and Mandarin Airlines Cancel Flights to Wuhan, China
Between 23 January and 29 February 2020 China Airlines flights, CI541 and CI 542, between Taipei (Taoyuan) and Wuhan have been cancelled. Mandarin Airlines flights, AE217 and AE218, between Taipei (Songshan) and Wuhan have also been cancelled.
92. China Airlines Cargo Receives CEIV Pharma Certification
China Airlines Cargo Services has become the first carrier in Taiwan, and one of only 17 in the world, to be certified by the IATA Center of Excellence for Independent Validators in Pharmaceutical Logistics (CEIV Pharma).
93. China Airlines Launches Ultra-Low Temperature Cargo Service
China Airlines, the only airline in Taiwan to have obtained international pharmaceutical cold chain logistics certification, has launched a new ultra-low temperature delivery service to take advantage of opportunities arising from COVID19 vaccine delivery. Deliveries for cargo chilled to as low as -80°C can now be undertaken once dry ice is added. Published by on
94. China Airlines Adds 2019-nCoV Service Information Centre to Website
With so much confusion, misinformation and different reactions to the 2019-nCoV outbreak, China Airlines has established a dedicated 'Novel Coronavirus Service Information' centre on its website. The page, available in Chinese, English and Japanese, provides travelers with the latest updates on flight cancellations, ticketing and travel alerts.
95. China Airlines increases flights to Bangkok and Los Angeles
China Airlines increases flights to Bangkok and Los Angeles.
96. China Airlines to Launch Osaka Cargo Service
China Airlines to Launch Osaka Cargo Service.

Documents 89-96 of 3991 displayed.

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