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Your search for Boeing found the following documents (of 52086 documents searched):
Displaying documents 273-280 of 33487, with best matches first:

273. Boeing and Embraer Sign MOU to Form JV
Boeing and Embraer have signed a Memorandum of Understanding to establish a strategic partnership. The non-binding agreement proposes the formation of a joint venture comprising the commercial aircraft and services business of Embraer that would strategically align with Boeing's commercial development, production, marketing and lifecycle services operations.
274. Boeing Appoints New Leaders; Launches Integrated Services Business
Kevin G. McAllister has been appointed as President and CEO of Boeing Commercial Airplanes, succeeding company Vice Chairman Ray Conner in that role. Stanley A. Deal has been appointed as President and CEO of Boeing Global Services, a new business unit to be formed from the customer services groups within the company's existing commercial airplanes and defense, space and security b
275. Boeing's Unmanned eVTOL Cargo Air Vehicle Takes Off
Boeing unveiled a new unmanned electric vertical-takeoff-and-landing (eVTOL) cargo air vehicle (CAV) prototype on Wednesday. The prototype, which will be used to test and evolve Boeing's autonomy technology for future aerospace vehicles, is designed to transport a payload up to 500 pounds for possible future cargo and logistics applications.
276. Boeing and Embraer Open Joint Aviation Biofuel Research Center in Brazil
Boeing and Embraer have opened a joint sustainable aviation biofuel research center in Brazil. At the Boeing-Embraer Joint Research Center in the São José dos Campos Technology Park, the companies will coordinate and co-fund research with Brazilian universities and other institutions. The research will focus on technologies that address gaps in creating a sustainable aviation biofu
277. Boeing 737 MAX 7 to Make Airshow Debut at Farnborough 2018
Boeing plans to reveal its vision of the future of air and space travel at the 2018 Farnborough International Airshow in England next week. From hypersonic travel to the future of autonomous flight to manned space flight, Boeing will visually present the innovations that will revolutionize the way humans travel around the world and into space.
278. Boeing to Have Large Presence at Singapore Airshow 2018
Boeing will showcase a wide range of products and services at this year's Singapore Airshow, Asia's largest aerospace and defense show, which runs 6-11 February 2018. The Asia-Pacific region is Boeing Commercial Airplanes' fastest growing market with a strong demand for both single and twin-aisle airplanes.
279. Boeing Appoints Kuljit Ghata-Aura as President - Middle East, Turkey and Africa
Kuljit Ghata-Aura has been appointed President of Boeing Middle East, Turkey and Africa (META), excluding the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Kuljit will be based in Dubai and will be responsible for leading all companywide activities and developing and implementing strategies for a region that is home to some of Boeing’s largest commercial, defense and services customers. Published by Tr
280. Boeing Delivered 806 Airplanes in 2018; Received 893 New Orders
Boeing delivered sixty nine 737 airplanes in December 2018 and set a new annual record of 806 deliveries in 2018, surpassing its previous record of 763 deliveries in 2017. Even as Boeing delivered more jetliners, the company grew its significant order book with 893 net orders, including 203 airplane sales in December alone.

Documents 273-280 of 33487 displayed.

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