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Search Travel News Asia for: Canberra

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Your search for Canberra found the following documents (of 52086 documents searched):
Displaying documents 233-240 of 1241, with best matches first:

233. Stay at Sakura House in Tokyo with Visa Promotion
Stay at Sakura House in Tokyo with Visa Promotion. The campaign will run until 29 December 2007 allows guests to enjoy a discount of 3,000 yen off the first month’s rental. The Sakura House manages more than 1,200 furnished apartments/rooms at more than 120 locations in central Tokyo and is an ideal choice for foreign visitors planning to live in Tokyo from one month to one year. T
234. Airbus A380 in Hong Kong Harbour Overfly
Airbus A380 in Hong Kong Harbour Overfly. Heralding the start of the Asian Aerospace International Expo and Congress 2007, Airbus’ flagship A380 aircraft wowed international visitors and Hong Kong residents early this Monday with an impressive fly pass over Victoria Harbour.Piloted by Airbus Test Pilot, Captain Terry Lutz and Pilot Christophe Cail, the cabin-fitted A380 MSN007 trav
235. Dubai World Central gets Latest E-Mapping Technology
Dubai World Central gets Latest E-Mapping Technology. Progress at Dubai World Central (DWC) - the massive 140 square kilometre urban aviation community under construction in Jebel Ali - has received a boost due to its recent tie-up with Dubai Municipality's state-of-the-art Geographical Information Systems (GIS) department to provide the latest e-mapping technology.
236. Emirates launches Flights to Newcastle
Emirates launches Flights to Newcastle. Emirates Airline has launched flights to Newcastle in the North-East of England. The new Dubai-Newcastle route, the airline's 6th gateway into the UK and 22nd destination in Europe, is the first ever long haul scheduled flight out of Newcastle.
237. Works Begin on Sin$33 million Pit Building for Formula 1 Singapore Grand Prix
Works Begin on Sin$33 million Pit Building for Formula 1 Singapore Grand Prix. Works on the Pit Building for the Formula 1 Singapore Grand Prix officially started last week. Measuring some 350 metres long, the Pit Building is a key piece of infrastructure for the F1 Singapore Grand Prix, which will debut on 28 September 2008.
238. Be a Winner in the 2008 Tourism for Tomorrow Awards
Be a Winner in the 2008 Tourism for Tomorrow Awards. The World Travel & Tourism Council is inviting entries for the 2008 Tourism for Tomorrow Awards - one of the highest accolades in sustainable tourism.
239. Hong Kong Tourism Board launches Three New Eco-Oriented Tours
Hong Kong Tourism Board launches Three New Eco-Oriented Tours. The Hong Kong Tourism Board (HKTB) has introduced three new eco-oriented tours under the Hong Kong Nature Kaleidoscope Programme to tie in with the seasonal climate, providing visitors with more choices of eco tour products. New itineraries available for visitors include the wetland tours in Long Valley and Mai Po, as w
240. Japanese Fine Dining Restaurant MEGU ready for Hong Kong launch
Japanese Fine Dining Restaurant MEGU ready for Hong Kong launch. MEGU, meaning 'blessing' in Japanese, aims to take ultra-fine Japanese dining to a new level in Hong Kong, by offering the finest organic and seasonal ingredients prepared with the authenticity and purity of classical Japanese cuisine, but with a contemporary twist. Instead of focusing on the fusion of Japanese with c

Documents 233-240 of 1241 displayed.

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