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Search Travel News Asia for: "Climate Change"

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Your search for Climate Change found the following documents (of 52086 documents searched):
Displaying documents 233-240 of 724, with best matches first:

233. World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) and Sustainable Tourism - PHIST Interview
What could the World Wide Fund for Nature, or WWF as it is more commonly known, possibly have in common with the hotel industry? In this exclusive interview with Maggie Lee, Market Transformation Manager at WWF Singapore, we ask Maggie about this, and much more.
234. Embraer creates Environmental Office
Embraer creates Environmental Office. In the search for alternative fuels, Embraer was the pioneer aeronautics company to certify an airplane powered by alcohol, in 2004. The Ipanema is the first series aircraft in the world to leave the factory certified to fly with this type of fuel. Alcohol is three to four times cheaper than aviation gasoline (avgas). Furthermore, alcohol power
235. British Airways Starts Offsetting Carbon Emissions on All Flights Within UK
British Airways started offsetting carbon emissions on all its flights within the UK on 1 January 2020, as part of a commitment to achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2050.
236. Airbus welcomes launch of Clean Sky Joint Technology Initiative
Airbus welcomes launch of Clean Sky Joint Technology Initiative. Airbus has praised the launch of the European Clean Sky initiative to help reach ambitious environmental targets by 2020, set out by the Advisory Council for Aeronautics Research in Europe (ACARE), through technology.
237. Shangri-La Hotel, Singapore awarded ISO 14001 certification
Shangri-La Hotel, Singapore awarded ISO 14001 certification. The Shangri-La Hotel, Singapore has received the certificate of approval from Lloyd’s Register Quality Assurance for its compliance with the International Organisation for Standardisation 14001 (ISO 14001), the first of its kind to be conferred upon a Singapore-based hotel.
238. SAS to Reduce Carbon-Dioxide Emissions by 20% by 2020
SAS to Reduce Carbon-Dioxide Emissions by 20% by 2020. The new environmental target is to reduce total carbon-dioxide emissions by 20% by 2020 compared with 2007. The new environmental target assumes passenger growth of 4% per year and for each producing unit the target entails halving carbon-dioxide emissions by 2020. Two of the methods of achieving this reduction are by implement
239. Sustainable Tourism Observatory of Sonoma Joins UNWTO INSTO
The Sustainable Tourism Observatory of Sonoma, California, has become the 17th member of the UNWTO International Network of Sustainable Tourism Observatories (INSTO). The observatory is the first of its kind under the umbrella of the Coalition to Observe and Advance Sustainable Tourism (COAST), aiming to serve as an anchor for a possible network of Pacific Coast observatories, conn
240. Thai Airways International organises Plook Cheewit Hai Pandin Reforestation project
Thai Airways International organises Plook Cheewit Hai Pandin Reforestation project. Thai Airways International Public Company Limited is organizing the “Plook Cheewit Hai Pandin” project to celebrate the anniversary of His Majesty the King of Thailand’s 80th Birthday on 5th December 2007 and to continue to preserve forested areas following the lead of His Majesty’s Royal Developme

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