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Search Travel News Asia for: "Director of Spa"

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Your search for Director of Spa found the following documents (of 52086 documents searched):
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209. Asia Pacific Airlines Traffic Results for April 2014
Preliminary traffic figures from the Association of Asia Pacific Airlines (AAPA) for the month of April 2014 show encouraging growth in both international passenger and air cargo markets. A total of 21.0 million international passengers flew on Asia Pacific-based airlines in April, a 7.4% increase compared to the same month last year, boosted partly by leisure travel demand during
210. Accor’s HotelInvest Business to Purchase 97 Hotels in Europe
Accor’s HotelInvest business has agreed to purchase two real-estate portfolios representing 86 and 11 hotels respectively (12,838 rooms) for a total consideration of about €900 million. The first portfolio, representing 86 hotels and 11,286 rooms across Germany (67 hotels) and the Netherlands (19 hotels) has been operated by Accor since 2007 under variable-rent leases and the follo
211. Walter Hess Appointed GM of Chedi Club Jimbaran Bali
GHM has named Walter Hess general manager of The Chedi Club Jimbaran Bali. Hess will draw on more than two decades of experience at a constellation of five-star hotels on four continents to shepherd the debut of the 34-villa property at Jimbaran Bay.
212. Conrad Bali Launches Soap Recycling Project
Conrad Bali has launched a soap recycling project. The initiative supports the resort's commitment to diverting waste from landfills through reuse, recycling and donations via its RePurpose program, and enables it to make a significant contribution toward combating hygiene-related diseases in underprivileged Balinese communities.
213. Eaton Hotel Hong Kong Joins HBAA International Charter
The Eaton hotel in Hong Kong has joined the HBAA (Hotel Booking Agents Association) International Charter. In adhering to the HBAA International Charter, Eaton, Hong Kong commits to the standards of the Charter which is designed to protect and strengthen the relationship that exists between agents and venue suppliers. The hotel stands to benefit from the association’s framework for
214. Barry Shuler to be Inducted into HFTP's Hall of Fame
Barry Shuler has been selected as the 2014 inductee to the HFTP International Hospitality Technology Hall of Fame for his role in developing a model for hotel industry enterprise architecture and IT strategic planning. After a long career as a lead technology strategist for Marriott International, Ritz-Carlton and International Hotels Group, he is currently CIO and IT consulting pr
215. Air Cargo Markets in Modest Slowdown
Data compiled by IATA shows that demand (measured in Freight Tonne Kilometers or FTKs) for global air freight markets in April 2014 was 3.2% above previous year levels. Demand has not, however, grown in recent months. Traffic levels in April were slightly below those of January and 1.1% lower than what was recorded in March.
216. PT Pusako Tarinka Tbk to Acquire All Tune Hotels in Indonesia
IDX-listed PT Pusako Tarinka Tbk is acquiring the companies which own and operate Tune Hotels across Indonesia, as it undertakes a major transformation of its current business model and hotel development plans. At a recent general meeting of shareholders, PT Pusako Tarinka Tbk voted to acquire PT Red Planet Indonesia and its affiliated companies, which currently own and operate sev

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