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Your search for Florence found the following documents (of 52086 documents searched):
Displaying documents 201-208 of 626, with best matches first:

201. G650 On Schedule for Entry-into-Service in 2012
Gulfstream’s long-range G650 has moved several steps closer to its anticipated certification later this year after completing tests of its fly-by-wire system, engine inlet compatibility and operation in hot weather, among other tests. As of 5 October, the four aircraft in the flight-test program had accumulated more than 2,077 hours on more than 626 flights.
202. Hawaiian Airlines Takes Delivery of New A330-200
Hawaiian’s new A330 is named Hokupa‘a, which is the Hawaiian language name for Polaris, or the North Star. Because Polaris never sets and appears fixed in the night sky as earth’s north celestial pole, the star proved to be an invaluable guiding marker for the ancient Polynesians in their voyages across the Pacific to Hawaii. All of Hawaiian’s new A330s are named for a constellatio
203. Hotels in Taiwan to Benefit from IDeaS / WiTak Partnership
IDeaS Revenue Solutions, a provider of pricing and revenue management software, services and consulting, has partnered WiTak Technology to deliver pricing solutions to the Taiwan-based hotel industry. WiTak provides a range of light power system and services to hoteliers across Taiwan. The addition of IDeaS’solutions to WiTak’s suite of services is expected to further enhance their
204. Sir Richard Branson Says World Faces “The Mother of All Recessions”
Sir Richard Branson, the founder and Chairman of the Virgin Group, has said that the world faces the mother of all recessions unless much more is done to encourage the development of renewable energy. Addressing delegates at the third annual Six Senses Slow Life Symposium at Soneva Fushi in the Maldives, Sir Richard said that governments had to provide additional incentives to supp
205. Emirates Sponsors London’s New Cable Car System
The cable car system, running between Greenwich Peninsula and the Royal Victoria Docks, will be known as the Emirates Air Line. The two stations will be pre-fixed with Emirates and carry a specially designed roundel – the familiar symbol of the London Underground. Both branded stations will be seen on the British capital’s underground map.
206. Thai Airways Int. Adjusts Winter Program
Thai Airways International has made adjustments to its Winter Program 2011-2012. The Winter Program 2011-2012, which is effective 30 October 2011 – 24 March 2012 has been adjusted as follows:
207. Hotel Madera Hong Kong Earns TUV Rheinland Eco-Hotel Certification
Hotel Madera Hong Kong recently passed the TUV Rheinland Eco-Hotel certification process. TUV Rheinland conducted a rigorous audit of Hotel Madera Hong Kong, including a thorough site inspection, documentation review, interviews with staff and management, and implementation of an action plan.
208. Rail Europe Opens Shanghai Office
Rail Europe has opened an office in Shanghai and appointed Dan Wang to run the office. The Shanghai office will complement Rail Europe’s other representative offices based in Tokyo, Seoul, Mumbai, Hong Kong, Singapore, Sydney, Buenos Aires and Dubai.

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