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Search Travel News Asia for: Ulysses

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Your search for Ulysses found the following documents (of 52086 documents searched):
Displaying documents 1-8 of 401, with best matches first:

1. UNWTO.Ulysses Prize and Awards reward Innovation and Application of Knowledge in Tourism Governa
UNWTO.Ulysses Prize and Awards reward Innovation and Application of Knowledge in Tourism Governance. UNWTO grants the Ulysses Prize to a distinguished scholar for an outstanding contribution to knowledge in tourism, while the awards are bestowed on projects undertaken by public institutions in tourism (governmental, public-private partnerships), tourism enterprises and non-profit i
2. Winners of 2012 UNWTO Ulysses Awards for Excellence and Innovation in Tourism
The UNWTO has named the winners of the 2012 Ulysses Awards. An online tool that allows tourism business to assess and improve their accessibility, and an initiative encouraging tourists to stay with families in Malaysia are among the five winners of this year’s UNWTO Ulysses Awards.
3. Finalists of 2013 UNWTO Ulysses Awards for Innovation in Tourism
The finalists of the 2013 UNWTO Ulysses Awards for Innovation in Tourism, one of the three categories in the annual UNWTO Awards for Excellence and Innovation in Tourism, have been named. The following is the list of finalists, in alphabetical order, of the 2013 UNWTO Ulysses Awards for Innovation:
4. First WTO Ulysses Prize awarded to Professor Donald E. Hawkins
First WTO Ulysses Prize awarded to Professor Donald E. Hawkins.
5. Tourism Initiatives in Croatia, France, India and Malaysia Win 2013 UNWTO Ulysses Award
A mobile application transporting visitors to the harbor of Arromanches in Normandy, France during World War II and an ecotourism project with a social entrepreneurship focus in Malaysia were among the innovative tourism initiatives recognized by the 2013 UNWTO Ulysses Awards for Innovation. Now on its tenth year, the awards celebrate outstanding contributions in the field of touri
6. Professor J.R. Brent Ritchie awarded 2004 WTO Ulysses Prize
Professor J.R. Brent Ritchie awarded 2004 WTO Ulysses Prize.
7. PolyU Scholar Conferred UNWTO Ulysses Prize
Professor Kaye Chon, Dean and Chair Professor of the School of Hotel and Tourism Management (SHTM) at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU), has been honoured by the United Nations World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO) with the UNWTO Ulysses Prize, a top honour.
8. Professor Geoffrey Wall to Receive UNWTO Ulysses Prize for Excellence
The UNWTO Ulysses Prize for Excellence in the Creation and Dissemination of Knowledge is to recognize the remarkable work of Professor Geoffrey Wall on several issues, but particularly on tourism and climate change.

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