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Search Travel News Asia for: Thanyapura

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Your search for Thanyapura found the following documents (of 52086 documents searched):
Displaying documents 1-8 of 1578, with best matches first:

1. Thanyapura Phuket Appoints Chris McCormack as Executive Chairman
Thanyapura Phuket has appointed multiple world champion athlete, Chris McCormack, as Executive Chairman of the island's world-class megaplex as it takes a big stride into the future with the establishment of Thanyapura International to take its unique and ground-breaking Thanyapura Active Healthy Lifestyle concept to the world. Mr McCormack will take up the reins at Thanyapura Phuk
2. Thanyapura Sports & Health Resort in Phuket Appoints New CEO
The Thanyapura Sports & Health Resort in Phuket, Thailand has appointed Edgar Toral Hernandez as CEO. Edgar, who has worked at Thanyapura since 2017 as Executive Vice President, replaces the outgoing President & CEO, Carl Philipp Berno Graf von Hardenberg.
3. Thanyapura Phuket Supporting Born Free to Run Programme
Thanyapura Phuket has extended its commitments to developing sporting excellence in athletes and enthusiasts of all abilities and ages, by teaming up with the Phuket Community Foundation to host an altruistic training programme led by local Thai triathlon star and Thanyapura Academies' Coach Ricky Ekkarat.
4. Thanyapura Phuket Appoints Alexandra Lochmatter as Director of Sports
Thanyapura Phuket has appointed Alexandra Lochmatter as Director of Sports. Ms Lochmatter, who will be responsible for running and administrating Thanyapura's extensive sports facilities, was headhunted by four-time triathlon world champion Chris McCormack following her success as Group and Events Manager at the Playitas Resort in Spain.
5. Thanyapura Phuket Appoints New Aquatics Head Coach
Thanyapura Phuket has appointed Miguel Lopez Alvarado from Spain as the new Thanyapura Aquatic Academy Head Coach. Miguel, who has more than 20 years experience as a swimming coach, has trained at the elite level, steering able-bodied and disabled swimmers to great heights. Miguel's dossier of former charges includes three-time triathlon world champion and Olympic silver medalist
6. Thanyapura Phuket Appoints New President and CEO
Thanyapura Phuket has appointed Philipp Graf von Hardenberg as President and CEO. Mr Graf von Hardenberg, who is armed with a confidence obtained from a successful track record in numerous enterprises, will oversee all the units that contribute to the pillars of the Thanyapura brand: sport, health, mind and education.
7. Thanyapura Phuket Partners Labdoo to Help Underprivileged Students in Thailand
Thanyapura Phuket has partnered with Labdoo, a rapidly growing global charity project which sees old laptops donated, cleaned and restored for children from underprivileged backgrounds. Thanyapura Phuket's new President and Chief Executive Officer, Philipp Graf von Hardenberg, worked closely with Labdoo Hamburg Hub in his native Germany and personally hand carried 14 computers in v
8. Thanyapura Phuket Opens Boarding School and Elite Junior Sport Academy
A leadership team of educators and courses has been assembled to run Thanyapura Phuket's Boarding School and Elite Junior Sport Academy, reinforcing the venue's reputation as the region's leading sports training and education centre. Located on 23 hectares of land at the foothill of a tropical mountain range and close to Phuket International Airport, Thanyapura's Phuket Internation

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