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Search Travel News Asia for: Superyachts

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Your search for Superyachts found the following documents (of 52086 documents searched):
Displaying documents 1-8 of 211, with best matches first:

1. Asia Pacific Superyachts Opens Office in Whangarei, New Zealand
Asia Pacific Superyachts has opened an office in Whangarei, New Zealand. The office to the north of Auckland will service and support vessels whilst in refit and cruising in the Bay of Islands and Northland.
2. Asia Pacific Superyachts Appoints New Agents
Asia Pacific Superyachts, a network of superyacht agents in the Asia and Pacific region, has apointed Priyantha Perera as the new APS Sri Lanka Agent and Captain Jean-Francois Cormerais as the new APS representative in Borneo.
3. Asia Pacific Superyachts to Attend Monaco Yacht Show 2016
Asia Pacific Superyachts (APS) will once again be at the Monaco Yacht Show, scheduled to take place this year between 28 September and 1 October. The APS team will represent the Asia and Pacific regions of Andaman Islands, Borneo, Cambodia, Fiji, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Koh Samui-Thailand, Langkawi-Malaysia, Maldives, Myanmar, New Zealand, Philippines, Phuket-Thailand, Singapore, Sey
4. New Zealand Opens to Yachts from Australia
The recently implemented air travel bubble between Australia and New Zealand, combined with an existing sea border exemption for vessels, means New Zealand is now open to business for cruising yachts and superyachts coming from Australia. Published by on 17 May 2021.
5. Simpson Marine Expands in China; Adds Superyachts and Aviation to Portfolio
Asian yacht specialist Simpson Marine is expanding its presence in China, opening new offices this month in Shenzhen and Sanya - the newly emerging centre for the luxury yachting lifestyle in China. At the same time, the Hong Kong-headquartered yacht sales, charter and management company with branches throughout the Asia Pacific is also adding two new business units to its portfoli
6. Yacht Solutions Partners Ital Thai Marine to Create Superyacht Facility
Yacht Solutions and Ital Thai Marine have signed a Memorandum of Understanding agreeing to create a dedicated superyacht facility in Bangkok. Yacht Solutions at Ital Thai Marine is being set up in response to the demand for more superyacht refit and repair facilities in the Asian region from both owners of superyachts based in Asia, and those travelling from Europe and America.
7. Notice of Race: NZ Millennium Cup 2022 to Take Place in February
Four superyachts have already declared their interest in racing in the 2022 New Zealand Millennium Cup as Notice of Race was released on Wednesday. The regatta was first held alongside the 2000 America’s Cup and is the longest running superyacht regatta in the South Pacific, garnering a reputation for its camaraderie and fierce competition. Published by on 19 May
8. Small Boats to Superyachts at Ocean Marina Pattaya Boat Show
Following recent improvements to the rules for international yachts visiting Pattaya Thailand's marine tourism industry is poised for dramatic growth. The 5th edition of the Ocean Marina Pattaya Boat Show, taking place until 27 November 2016, has an expanded line-up of 28 boats in-the-water and more onshore. Some 6,000 people are expected to visit the marine and lifestyle festival.

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