Search Results Your search for H145M found the following documents (of 52086 documents searched): Displaying documents 1-8 of 262, with best matches first:
- 1. Hungary Orders 20 Airbus H145M Helicopters
The Hungarian Ministry of Defence has ordered 20 Airbus H145M military helicopters equipped with the HForce weapon system. The H145M was first delivered in 2015 to the German Armed Forces and has since been ordered by Thailand and the Republic of Serbia.
- 2. Serbian Air Force Takes Delivery of First Airbus H145M
Aleksandar Vulin, the Serbian Minister of Defence, visited the Airbus Helicopters Donauwörth site to accept the first H145M for the Serbian Air Force. Next month, two H145Ms will be delivered to the Serbian Ministry of Interior. Altogether, Serbia will receive nine H145Ms, earmarked for the Air Force and for the Ministry of Interior. Four of the Air Force’s aircraft will be equippe
- 3. Airbus Delivers First of Two H145M Helicopters to Luxembourg
Airbus Helicopters has delivered the first of two H145M multipurpose helicopters for defence and security missions to the Government of the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg.
- 4. Serbia Takes Delivery of First Airbus H145M Helicopter
Serbia has taken delivery of the first of nine Airbus H145M helicopters earmarked for the Air Force and for the Ministry of Interior. The helicopter is equipped with a fast roping system, high-performance camera, fire support equipment, ballistic protection as well as an electronic countermeasures system.
- 5. Airbus Forms Team Nightjar as Australia Looks for Special Ops Helicopters
Airbus Helicopters is working with over 20 Australian partners to form Team Nightjar, as the consortium launches its solution to Project LAND 2097 Phase 4. Under this Project, Australia is seeking a fleet of helicopters to support the Australian Defence Force’s Special Operations.
- 6. Airbus to Have Major Presence at Avalon 2019 in Australia
Airbus will be one of the largest exhibitors at Avalon 2019 with a presence covering its entire range of products and services, including commercial and military aircraft, helicopters, and unmanned and space applications. The air show will be held at the Avalon Airport in Geelong, Victoria, from 26 February to 3 March.
- 7. Philippine Airlines to Suspend Manila - Jeddah Flights
Philippine Airlines has confirmed that it will temporarily suspend flights to and from Jeddah, Saudi Arabia beginning 19 September 2018.
- 8. China Southern Airlines Takes Delivery of First Airbus A350-900
China Southern Airlines has taken delivery of its first of 20 A350-900s. In addition to Boeing aircraft, the Guangzhou-based carrier operates an Airbus fleet of 335 aircraft, including 282 A320 Family aircraft, 48 A330 Family aircraft and five A380 aircraft.
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